What are Standard Process Supplements?
Before you get discouraged on your journey to live healthier, find out what standard process supplements are; let me tell you a little bit about them and how they have changed my life.
You might be wondering what are Standard Process Supplements? I can help with that! After nearly a decade of use, I trust my health to no one else!
When you have a food allergy, life can be tough. The discomfort and irritability often come with food and environmental allergies.

I have three of these allergies I have dairy, tree nut, and egg allergy. Sometimes, they slip through the cracks, but I try to avoid them. My Standard Process supplements not only fill the holes in my nutrient needs but also help keep me feeling great despite my allergies.
Another reason I was so motivated to find out what are Standard Process supplements was to help reduce doctor visits. As a family, we spend way less time being sick than we did before Standard Process supplements entered our lives.
We are rarely sick, the kids included; Standard Process supplements help reduce our doctor’s visits and the need for prescription medicines.

What are Standard Process Supplements?
In any quest for knowledge, starting in the past is best. We can’t discuss the questions of what Standard Process supplements are without looking into their past.
We’ve been using these supplements for nearly a decade, but Standard Process has existed since 1929! They are an incredible company that has spent the last 88 years honing their craft.
They are dedicated to creating nutritional supplements based on the whole food philosophy introduced by Dr. Royal Lee. Standard Process supplements provide your body with the nutritional building blocks it needs to function at the highest level.

Why Standard Process Works
Now that we know what Standard Process supplements are, we need to know why they work. Standard Process supplements are created based on a Whole Food Philosophy.
A whole food supplement is defined as “A complex formula that includes plant and animal extracts, desiccates, or other ingredients as required to create the best dietary supplement for each health indication.”

This means that Standard Process supplements are created by using real ingredients. They’re not made using artificially created elements.
The best source of nutrition is within whole foods, and Standard Process extracts these elements from within foods to create their top-notch supplements.

Why I Use Them
When I first set out to discover the answer to “what are Standard Process supplements?” I was skeptical. After some research and use, I discovered that I could live a much happier and healthier life with Standard Process supplements.
Now, I have been using them for nearly a decade. They work so well that my entire family uses different Standard Process supplements. With our arsenal of supplements on hand, we make fewer trips to the doctor’s office and spend less time overall being sick or feeling ill!

Standard Process Products I Use and Love
Standard Process Catalyn
Catalyn is designed to support overall well-being. This supplement is made with multiple vitamins and minerals to act as complex nutritional support.
We all take this as a daily multivitamin. It kind of acts as our base supplement within the Standard Process line.

Standard Process Congaplex
Congaplex is a supplement from Standard Process that helps support a healthy function of the upper respiratory tract. It also supports the immune system with Thymus Cytosol extract.
We use this whenever we feel like something might be coming on or any kind of sickness is going around. It helps boost immune function and keep us all happy and healthy.

Standard Process Ovex
You might have figured this one out by the name…Standard Process Ovex is a supplement that I use to regulate my cycle. Not only does this help balance female hormones, but it also helps support healthy ovarian function.
A must-have for those of you who might be trying to conceive or for anyone who has difficulty with their typical monthly menstrual cycle.

Standard Process Symplex F
Another must-have in the female Standard Process supplements lineup is Symplex F. This is one that I use to help regulate my mood, reduce hot flashes, and other common “female” issues that arise from time to time.
Standard Process Antronex
This Standard Process supplement is one that many people can benefit from. Antronex contains Yakriton, which is a bovine liver fat extract.
When used properly, Antronex can help regulate histamine levels, and it can also promote and maintain a healthy liver! If you have bad allergies like we do, this is a must-have in your regimen of Standard Process supplements.

Standard Process Arginex
Standard Process Arginex helps to support normal organ function. Primarily, this supplement is great for the liver and kidneys. I use Arginex for my kidneys because I always seem to retain water.
As a result, Arginex also has the added benefit of aiding in a healthy urinary tract flow. When I first visited my chiropractor, I asked about this because I didn’t want to be on a water pill constantly; the only option my Doctor could come up with.

Standard Process A-F Betafood
Standard Process A-F Betafood is a great supplement for a few different conditions. Ideally, this supplement works for a number of digestion issues.
I take these for gallbladder stones. I was getting them consistently, and after going on A-F Betafood, I have never had another issue! A-F Betafood from Standard Process is also great for IBS and other digestive issues.

Standard Process Multizyme
Standard Process Multizyme is a supplement that is geared towards the digestive tract. It keeps everything regular and comfortable. These enzymes support digestion’s digestive, intestinal, and gastric phases.
There are also supplemental pancreatic enzymes.
Standard Process Gastrex
Standard Process Gastrex is what I take whenever it feels like something I eat doesn’t quite agree with me. This happens quite often, considering my dairy, tree nut, and egg allergies.
I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who has stomach aches and pains. This is my family’s go-to product for stomach aches.

Standard Process Calcium Lactate
Standard Process Calcium Lactate is critical for me. With a dairy allergy, I don’t get nearly the calcium and magnesium I need from typical foods.
Calcium Lactate is a supplement that is essential for body functions like bone mineralization, muscle contraction, and nerve conduction. This is made from a non-dairy source, so I can take them with no worries about an allergy flare-up!

Standard Process Cateplex A-C
Cateplex A-C is a combo supplement made up of Vitamins A and C. It boosts immune health and activity. We take this whenever some kind of illness seems to set in.
It helps make sure that our immune systems are in fighting shape to get rid of any kind of intruder! This might seem like a lot, but don’t get overwhelmed! I see a chiropractor regularly.

They determined what supplements I needed and what dosage. You should always consult a professional before you start any kind of supplement regimen.
Even though these supplements are made from natural ingredients, you need to know how and when to take them in order to see the appropriate results!

More Standard Process
Where to Buy Standard Process Supplements | We just need to know where to buy Standard Process to start reaping the benefits.
Standard Process Thymex | Ready to start using the power of nature for skin support?
Standard Process A F Betafood Uses | There are plenty of products you can use to live healthier.
Treat Vertigo at Home with Standard Process Catalyn | Dealing with vertigo isn’t always easy.
Standard Process Congaplex for Sick Children and Adults | Standard Process isn’t only for adults.
My chiropractor put me on these because I was having a problem with mucus in nasal area, and it really seems to help. I’m using Antronex tablets. Maybe someone can help me, since I’m new here. I’ve been diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I’ve not been able to find any help, and its pretty miserable to never know what you can and cannot eat, and to not get to far away from bathroom.
Any of the supplements will help me with this? If so, I’m open to all suggestions.
Multizyme is probably good but you should definitely check with your natural doctor/chiro.
i am 37 years old and i am using thytrophin PMG, Ihave the hashimoto.My daughter 10 years old has a TSH 5.4 and is loosing her body hair, eyelashes, and hair. A practician told me to start giving her a small dose of thytrophin pmg, please need your advice asap. thk u
Hi Maya, do you have a chiropractor you can call for input?