Standard Process Calcium Lactate | Dairy Free Supplement

When I switched to the dairy free diet I saw a major improvement in my health. Now I don’t struggle with the acne or the stomach aches either! One of the ways I made it through this transition is with a dairy free supplement. Standard Process calcium lactate is a dairy-free calcium supplement that helps me get much-needed nutrients without the added discomfort!

Living with an allergy can be tough. This dairy free supplement, Standard Process calcium lactate, can help you get the nutrients you might be missing! Dairy Free Health Supplements | Dairy Free Tips | Dairy Free Lifestyle #dairyfree #STP

Living with an allergy can be tough. This dairy-free supplement, Standard Process Calcium Lactate, can help you get the nutrients you might be missing! Like most Standard Process supplements, Standard Process calcium lactate is high-quality and great for the whole family.

We also use Standard Process Catalyn, and Congaplex. All of the Standard Process supplements are high quality and safe. I love that I have a great option to help keep my whole family feeling great and healthy.

Living with an allergy can be tough. This dairy free supplement, Standard Process calcium lactate, can help you get the nutrients you might be missing! How to Go Dairy Free | What is Dairy Free | How to Get Calcium with No Dairy | Dairy Free Calcium Supplements

Standard Process Calcium Lactate | Dairy Free Supplement

Standard Process calcium lactate is a dairy-free supplement. I love that I feel better on a dairy-free diet, but I know I need calcium. It’s an important part of a healthy diet, and as a female who is (unfortunately) aging, I know that calcium is more important now than ever.

Like all of the Standard Process supplements, you can find out all about their benefits, ingredients, and uses online at their website. Standard Process was recommended to me by my chiropractor, but they have been producing quality supplements since 1929.

Standard Process Calcium Lactate Letter Tiles Spelling Health on a Pile of Blank Letter Tiles

Their long history and experience are part of what makes me so comfortable with their products. Standard Process calcium lactate is a combination of calcium and magnesium.

Both of these minerals are key for not only bone health but also muscle health. As you age, these become more important, and your body will leech them from your bones and teeth if necessary!

I knew when I went off dairy, I had to find a way to get a dairy-free calcium supplement, and naturally, Standard Process has just the thing!

Standard Process Calcium Lactate A Woman Laying Down with Her Hands on Her Stomach Making a Heart Shape with a Flower in the Middle Where Her Belly Button Should be

Vitamins for Body Functions

Many times, the body’s enzyme functions are impacted by a reduced calcium intake. One of the main places you’ll notice this is in the stomach. Instead of constantly taking antacids, you may want to consider taking a calcium supplement!

It can help regulate your digestive system by controlling enzyme function in the stomach.

Standard Process Calcium Lactate a Skeleton Hand Holding Out an Apple

Supports Healthy Bones

Did you know that more than 60% of your body’s calcium is found in your bones? When. As you age, your body needs more calcium to help maintain bones, teeth, and muscle function.

If you do not provide your body with enough calcium, it will turn to your bones (the storage system of sorts) for the needed calcium. This can lead to all kinds of deficiencies and osteoporosis.

Standard Process Calcium Lactate a Neuron of the Nervous System

Nervous System Function

Magnesium and calcium are significant players in the way our body functions. Nervous system problems can sometimes end up feeling like muscle problems. The magnesium in Standard Process calcium lactate can help regulate the nervous system and help ease muscle pain, fatigue, and weakness.

Living with an allergy can be tough. This dairy free supplement, Standard Process calcium lactate, can help you get the nutrients you might be missing! How to Go Dairy Free | What is Dairy Free | How to Get Calcium with No Dairy | Dairy Free Calcium Supplements

Highly Soluble Dairy Free Supplement

Last but not least, we have to talk about how great this supplement truly is when it comes to your body’s ability to use extra calcium and magnesium. All of the supplements in the world won’t help you if they’re not highly soluble.

Standard Process calcium lactate is a highly soluble dairy-free supplement, which means that it gets the minerals from a non-dairy source so that you don’t have to worry about a reaction.

Another reason this is so important is for ease of use for your body. This means faster benefits and, overall, a healthier lifestyle!

More Standard Process

What are Standard Process Supplements | Standard Process supplements are worth adding into our daily nutrition plans.

Standard Process Antronex Review and Uses | There are different supplements we can utilize for different purposes.

Treat Vertigo at Home with Standard Process Catalyn | Finding natural solutions to vertigo is more than a blessing.

How Standard Process Congaplex Helps When You are Sick | Getting sick is never fun, but nature may have a way.

Standard Process Congaplex for Sick Kids and Adults | What’s worse than getting sick? Dealing with kids who have the “world’s worst cold.”

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