How Standard Process Congaplex Helps when you are Sick
Our son is old enough to take things to at least make him comfortable for sleeping. However, our daughter is just a year old. We try not to medicate unless it is necessary, and this has been even easier since we found Standard Process Congaplex.
You know how it is…you see your child with a runny nose and if they are young enough, you pray they are teething. If not, hopefully, it is allergies.
When it turns out to be neither of the two, you feel that sink in your stomach as you know your child is sick. Standard Process Congaplex has helped our family for over 10 years in fighting the flu and sickness, so we do not need to see the doctor or use medicine as often.

We take the capsules when we feel symptoms coming on, and it literally stops colds dead in their tracks. It does take some discipline, though, because you have to take a few every 2 hours to shock your system.
However, we gave it a good college try the first time and never returned. We spoke with our Chiropractor to determine the proper dosage of Standard Process Congaplex for everyone in our family, so please do the same if you want to take it.

How Standard Process Congaplex Helps when you are Sick
The great thing about it is that children of any age can take it. If our kids cannot swallow capsules, we open the capsule and give them their specified amount in applesauce or smoothies.
It is hard to believe that we have one product that works for each of us.

What is Standard Process?
Congaplex and all supplements offered by Standard Process Inc. are made of whole foods – foods in their natural state versus ones that have been chemically altered so that a product can sit on the shelf for a year.
Finding products that contain whole foods means that your body is receiving vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and phytonutrients. All of these will help your body function at its best.

Believe me, I know that you may be skeptical because we were, too. Buying one bottle seemed like a natural place to start giving it a shot. Now we buy them two at a time so we don’t run out.
I can also give you a case in point about the beautiful results of this supplement.

Standard Process Congaplex Review
Our youngest woke up with a runny nose two days ago, so we gave her one daily in her milk or food. We had plans with our friends the next day and assumed we would have to cancel, but wanted to give Congaplex a try.
Thankfully, we could go to our friend’s house because her symptoms never progressed, and her nose only needed to be wiped two times. This morning, she woke and is almost completely healthy.

I cannot speak enough raves about Congaplex. My husband, who is more of a skeptic than I, actually takes a few on his business trips to help fight infection.
Truthfully, that says it all about how beneficial this is. Give it a try. Their website provides a place for you to request information about healthcare professionals who carry it out in your area.
It is also sold online through a few places. If Standard Process Congaplex works for you, make sure you come back here and share the good news with me!!
More Standard Process
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I just gave my 4 year old congaplex because she had a very itchy, congested nose..2 days later she is basically healthy. Normally this would have turned into a mean head cold/travelled down to lungs. I love this stuff!.
That is wonderful to hear! It really does wonders for bodies. We started taking one a day during the flu season as a preventative measure, which seems to be working well, too.
Thanks for stopping in!
Have you ever wondered if Conga could generate autoimmune disease if taken on a regular basis? My whole family takes it every day – it is fantastic. But I am afraid it could cause a reaction if taken everyday. Let me know your thoughts..i am checking in with my naturalpath tomorrow and will share what she recommends.
I found a study on Congaplex and Immuplex, and also read up on the Standard Process site and others. Because of the way each acts in the body, Congaplex is only for short-term use–it stimulates the Thymus and promotes white blood cell activity, which you need when sick (but not otherwise) . It should not be taken when healthy. I read that Immuplex acts differently in a way that supports healthy immune function, and that is what you should take when healthy.
Wow – I have not considered that. I look forward to hearing what your naturalpath says. My chiropractor was very much a natural believer so I hope there is nothing to this. Thanks for stopping in…and returning with the update.
I too I am a big fan of Congaplex chewables for kids, it works wonders for my kids, when they start with the stuffy nose irritated cough I give them 2 chewables 3x a day and by the end outof the night they are sleeping good and back to health in a few days.
I would definately like to know about the auto immune and congaplex too! I also wanna know about the Bovine in it is it just ground up from cows that are infected
I just tried Congaplex last Thursday. My doctor said “oh it’s allergies. Keep takikng OTC”. I stoped by the drug store to get more OTC on my way to my Chiropractor. He said “No way this is allergies try this.” It was Congaplex. I was thinking I just bought the OTC…. I took it right then and there. With in 20 minutes my drainage had stopped. My head was clearing up, no more sinus pressure build up. I took it for a few days. I am not one for meds or pills. This works and I have spread the news. I too was thinking about taking it once a day for prevention, but am concerded about the autoimmune as well.
I do yourself and your family members a favor and try this.
Thanks for listening.
I am interested in hearing more about the long term efects of taking congaplex daily as a preventative measure as well as the bovine in it. Could someone please comment on these two issues?? Thanks
Rose, I have wondered that as well and do not take it daily b/c of that. i wonder who we could ask…
Rose and Mommy Mentor, I take this product twice a day and I take 6 capsules to help clear up my acne because it’s a natural bacteria killer. This is a natural food it doesn’t come with side effects, if you had allergies to it you would know by now. Its a natural food and unlike medication it will not create long term side effects because naturally your body knows how and what to do with it! Glad its working! 🙂
Thanks for stopping in Laura! Never thought of this for acne! What a great idea! Do you take 3 capsules twice a day or 6 twice a day?
Hi! I know this is waaaaaay past the time that people have been commenting on here but I wanted to chime in. I have a Masters degree in Molecular Biology and am currently completing courses to become certified as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist. I’ve been taking Congaplex for colds and flu for over 20 years. How does it work? It basically stimulates your immune system to release more T cells (natural antiviral cells). These are also the cells that harm your body in autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. That being said, the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases is poorly understood. Some of them have a genetic component while others are drug induced. While I personally don’t believe that Congaplex has the ability to induce an autoimmune state, it still has components that are not beneficial when taken in the long run. Our immune systems are not designed to be on high alert 24/7. Also, remember that Congaplex is meant to stimulate our defenses against viruses. Immuplex is designed to stimulate white blood cells that specifically target bacteria. Again, I’ve taken both products over the last 20+ years since I was a little girl and I’ve only been on antibiotics twice in my life (once for strep in college and once for laryngitis while teaching middle school). I whole heartedly recommend them as they are very effective products but only at the discression of your natural care practitioner or chiropractor and not for long term use. May I also recommend green smoothies as an excellent immune booster! I felt like I was getting sick this weekend so I made a few green smoothies, some organic bone broth, and took my Congaplex. Feeling much better now! Stay well everyone 🙂
My whole family is sick with colds right now and I had been searching online for home remedies an such to relieve our symptoms. I have a 9 month old and didn’t know what would be good for him, especially. Since he’s still an infant.
I didn’t want to go get OTC meds, as I’m trying to refrain from using those kinds of things anymore.
So, i had to make a trip out and decided to stop in and ask my chiropractor what he suggested. He suggested congaplex. I was a bit skeptical…
So, I researched it on my phone out in my suv online real quick before deciding whether to buy it or not. That’s when I found your post. Thank goodness I did too, cause it sold me right there!
So, I bought it and gave it to all of us (2 kids, hubby and myself) a little while ago. I’ve noticed a slight difference already and all I took was 1 pill vs the recommended dosage. I’ll continue it tomorrow throughout the day and so on. I just bought the small bottle to start with.
So, Mommy Mentor, what dosage do you take? Or what dosage did you take when you 1st started taking this, and for your children as well? Just wanna see what the appropriate amounts really are (compared to what my chiropractor said)for children especially, cause I do believe the dosage on the bottle is for adults.
I also asked my chiropractor if it could be taken everyday for preventative measures and he said, it sure can!
So, here’s to hoping my family starts feeling a little better tomorrow because of congaplex by standard process!
My son has had respitatory issues since he was 4 months old. At 10 months old i was “talked into” giving him a flu shot (long story, it was my moment of weakness) and 2 days later we were in the drs office with a upper resp infection, breathing treatments and all. I sought out a local chiropractor and discussed his issues with her, she immediately suggested congaplex as soon as he shows any signs of a cold (his asthma is triggered by colds). After 2 days, he was great! In the fall croup hit again, and congaplex cut the duration! Today, he woke up with a gross nose and yes, croup…and i am out of congaplex!!!! We are stuck in the middle of an ice/snow storm, so I am hoping the roads clear soon, b/c I feel that this supplement has kept all colds at bay!
Ange – I am SO glad you have found Congaplex and love it. We don’t give it all the time, but save it for when colds start. We have also found it helpful with bad allergies. Thanks for stopping in and commenting! 🙂
I just asked my Chiro yesterday about dosing and he said its not necessary to take everyday if your immune system is healthy but as soon as you begin to feel a bit off load up on the Congaplex. He said up to 20-40 a day is not uncommon for the first couple of days to really get you ramped up.I’m instructed to take five 5x a day until I am asymptomatic and then another 3 days of three at each meal. Consider it a “natural antibiotic”. You don’t take antibiotics when you don’t need them. Same for the Conga. Hope that helps someone. Be sure to ask your doc about proper dosing for you and your children.
This is great, Kari! Thanks for stopping in and sharing. We love Congaplex and consider it a lifesaver in this house. We never travel without it…
Hi all, how many can a congaplex can a baby safely take every day? I have a 9 month old with double ear infections. Also, even when I put just one in his bottle, it makes it difficult for him to get milk through the nipple, as it becomes so thick?? Help!
Kimberly – We used them with our babes when they were 6 months and older and did 3 a day I think if they were sick. Can you put it in applesauce? That’s what we did.
My chiro put my family on congaplex and we love it, I give it daily to my 7 year old who has CD as he is prone to infections. I give him 3 in the mornings but if he does get sick I give him 3 twice a day then 7 before bed. I took all OTC drugs out and use this. Also, we use silver spray daily,it is an antiviral, anitbacterial and antifungus spray, so its an extra boost of protection, especially in flu season. Another immune booster to go along with congaplex is 1 Tbs apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp vitamin c powder mixed with a few ounces of grape juice. Kinda strong but it works.
These are all great tips! Thank you!
I am currently writing a paper on nutritional supplements and was happy to see that there are more people using this product. I recommend it to everyone that mentions they have kids that are constantly getting colds or in general as an immune booster. I have been using this product for over 8 years and couldn’t say better things about it. So happy to hear the great stories. Thanks for post and info on this product.
Amy, it’s great to read reinforcing testimonials like yours about Congaplex. I just discovered this amazing product a little over a month ago. My eleven year old could not shake a week long congestive ailment, and when she developed a fever along with lethargy, our doctor put her on Congaplex. The very next day she played for hours outside. It has worked wonders for my whole family! It’s a shame modern medicine is so heavily relied upon when something this natural and effective works so much better. Keep sharing healthy news!
THank you Tracy! So happy it helped your son – we have used it for 10 years!
It is not meant to be taken when healthy. It stimulates Thymus and white blood cell activity when sick. Literature and studies suggest taking Immuplex to support immune function when healthy. You could be doing the opposite of what you intend if you take Congaplex when healthy (it appears).
Great point Anne! We take this at the start of symptoms and our Chiropractor determines our dosage and then we stop when healthy.
I have a 15 month old that gets frequent colds. The worst part is the coughing. I’m giving him elderberry powder twice a day everyday. Can I also give him congaplex? What dose? Any advice would be appreciated.
I tested positive for whooping cough in June 2016 & am still battling upper respiratory problems, night coughing, shortness of breath & my doctor is clueless. He keeps putting me on inhalers & antibiotics. I am wondering if congaplex can be taken with broncafect? I went through a bottle of broncafect & it really helped. Unfortunately my chiropractor is 50 miles away & I’m out. I’m willing to try the 2 products together with winter coming. Any advice?
My chiropractor may be able to consult on this. Will yours help you with this?
I tested positive for whooping cough 5 months ago & still have upper respiratory problems, night coughs, sob & wheezing. My physician is clueless. Broncafect helped but I’m out & chiropractor 50 miles away. Picking up more this week & wondering if I can take congaplex with this? Any advice?
Is use indicated in a 2 year old with allergies and a very weak immune system. What would dosage be. Thanks.
I have had a Summer from hell; three funerals, one my dearest friend whom I helped care for as she died. My system and body are shot. Emotionally and physically, I know I was in trouble. I took Congaplex because my chiropractor recommended it in the past. It has never failed me. 3 pills pulls me back to rights. I am not one to beat any med to death and I see there is a warning above not to constantly use it. Like many herbs, etc, it’s always best if the body absorbs the meds and has a chance to heal. Then see if it can continue without constant medication.
It really does set everything right. I am so sorry you have had a hard summer. Hope things are improving!
Congaplex cured my strep throat in just a few days. I had dramatically improved in the first 24 hours of taking it. I took four capsules with every meal. Sure beats going to the doctor and taking amoxicillin.
I totally agree! We are lifelong users!