Standard Process Thymex | Thymus Gland and Skin Support
Standard Process Thymex is a supplement that supports a healthy thymus gland and, in turn, supports your immune system (and a host of other things as well)!
Do you know what a T cell is? A T cell is a type of white blood cell that fights viruses and infections in the body. Those T cells are produced and matured by the thymus gland.
Standard Process Thymex is intended to support a healthy thymus gland, which helps give you a more robust immune system. Have you ever had that feeling when you know something is not right with your body?

I was not feeling well for the last six to eight months. I thought I was having an allergic reaction to a new food. It didn’t seem far off base since I already have so many allergies.
Then, my skin started to flare up. Like flare! It would burn and hurt when I got out of the shower, and I was constantly agitated. It felt much worse than eczema.

I tested the water, my diet, the laundry detergent, and everything else I could think of but had no luck. I went to my kinesiologist, and he did some tests. I thank the stars for him every day.
As it turns out, I had a bacterial infection that had just gotten worse. I started taking 6 Allerplex and 6 Standard Process Thymex per day. Within 24 hours, my skin no longer burned! I am now one month in, and my skin is almost back to 100%.

Standard Process Thymex | Thymus Gland and Skin Support
You will find your thymus gland behind your sternum and between your lungs. The thymus is most active until puberty and then slowly reduces in size as we age.
Before we are born, the thymus gland works hard to produce white blood cells, known as T cells. Those T cells are also matured by the thymus gland and are given the strength to fight off viruses and infections inside the body.
It is abundantly clear that the thymus gland is important, so keeping it healthy is crucial. While it shrinks and becomes less active as we age, the thymus gland still serves the endocrine and lymphatic systems.
Standard Process Thymex | Skin Care Support
One of the main ingredients in Thymex is Thymus Cytosol Extract, also known simply as thymus extract. Thymus extract has also been added to some cosmetics, but why?
The reason thymus extract is added to some cosmetics is for its amino acids and peptides. These amino acids and peptides have the power to help keep your skin smooth and supple.

You may even be using these benefits already in your cosmetics, hair care products, moisturizers, facial masks, and so much more. Thymus extract can show up on the ingredients list of your cosmetics as “bovine collagen,” but it’s thymus extract.
The name is because it’s often used as an antiaging product. Another major ingredient in thymus extract is beets. The health benefits found in beets are magnified in Thymex.

Standard Process Thymex | Benefits
The power of that thymus extract in Thymex can be seen in the benefits of the supplement. Not only will it help clear your skin (speaking from experience here!), but it also helps the master gland of your immune system: the thymus gland.
This supplement is also a good source of vitamin C, which adds to the immune system power of Thymex. Another benefit is the all-natural approach that Standard Process takes with all of its supplements.

You can be sure that the ingredients list on the back is easy to understand and doesn’t have any products with weird, made-up names.
Instead, you’ll find things like the extract, calcium, and magnesium citrate.
Standard Process Thymex | For Dogs
Cancer is a scary word, and while many people automatically think of loved ones who have had cancer, people rarely think about their dogs or cats.
The only way you would think about a dog or cat when talking about cancer is if you and your pet have faced that battle before. Well, interestingly enough, Thymex can help dogs and cats with cancer.

While there is no cure for cancer yet, there are treatments that can help. Thymus extract is often recommended by vets for dogs and cats, especially if they have cancerous tumors.
The extract has been shown to slow the growth of cancerous cells in tumors in dogs and cats. Dogs and cats also have thymuses, so they can benefit from the immune system boost, as well.
You can find Standard Process Thymex on Amazon, and it’s an Amazon Prime product as well!

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