Elf on the Shelf Jar Ideas | Carry your Elf with You
There is a new trend with the elf, and that is Elf on the Shelf jar. The list of Elf on the Shelf jar ideas is growing fast, but the basic idea is the same.
Place the elf in a jar or in Tupperware, and let your children experience the fun of taking their elf with them. There aren’t many people who haven’t heard about Elf on the Shelf.
The Elf on the Shelf is a family tradition that has put an even more creative spin on the holiday season. Many people use Elf on the Shelf to have fun with their children at home.

Carry your Elf on the Shelf with you with these fun and creative Elf on the Shelf jar ideas. Our elves have been traveling far from the shelf over the past few years.
They have become ninjas or doctors, tricksters, and farmers. Elf on the Shelf has been all around the house doing many different things. Now it’s time the elf heads outdoors and travels with us, giving us a whole new look on Elf on the shelf.
The first thing we’ll need is a few of the best Elf on the Shelf jar ideas to get started.

Elf on the Shelf Jar Ideas | Carry your Elf with You
The first thing you need to understand is why the Elf on the Shelf in a Jar is so fantastic. Read our article, and you will see that one of the best explanations you can use is magic.
This is the most crucial of all the Elf on the Shelf jar ideas. First, place your elf in a jar or in Tupperware and write up a note explaining that your elf wants to see the world.
However, your elf will need to preserve his or her magic, and the jar or Tupperware will help. Now you’re ready to take your elf with you on a fun-filled day; the only question is, where will you go?
Christmas Tree Lot
Bring your elf with you to pick out the best Christmas tree on the lot. Not only will the elf know which tree is best, but this will also make for some great photos.

Making a List
Santa doesn’t always know exactly what to get children for Christmas, but the elf is there to help. Here is a great Elf on the Shelf idea that actually makes sense – bring him or her Christmas shopping.
Except during this trip, nothing will be bought; instead, the elf will relay messages to Santa on what your children want when he heads back to the North Pole that night.
Grandma’s House
Grandma’s house or any relative’s house is always a nice way to spend the day. Now, your elf can come along for the trip to see a new home and meet new family members.

Surely, your elf loves to watch movies just like your children. Bring Elf on the Shelf in a jar with you to the movies to see a new flick. The kids will love having the extra help picking out a special movie treat.

This one will require a little trust, but let your children take your elf with them to a friend’s house for a sleepover. Your elf will love the new friends he or she makes, and a new family may welcome an elf of their own into the home.

After a long day of shopping and Christmas tree hunting, it will be time to refuel. Bring your elf with you to dinner and make him or her an honorary guest at the table in the best elf clothes.
Who knows, maybe there won’t be as big a mess at the table with younger children around if the elf is there.
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