Transform 20 Week 5 Workouts and Tips
The last chapter, Transform 20 Week 5 workouts, may surprise you. Shaun T. has a few more surprises up his sleeve. Get ready for a new “recovery step” before your Transformers that will not feel much like a recovery!
Plank sprints and toe taps on the step will replace your regular taps all week, except for in the Balanced workout. You’ve made it to Transform 20 Week 5 workouts, which means there is a lot to wrap up as you near the end of your five-week health and fitness transformation.
We are nearing the end of the transformation. That’s right, we are entering Transform 20 Week 5 workouts. This means your body has probably changed a lot.

But as we enter into the last chapter of this experience, we can look back at all the hard work we have completed and see the change that has occurred.
For this final week, we will start Monday off with the all-too-familiar Burn.

Transform 20 Week 5 Workouts and Tips
After your two-minute warmup, Block 1 is a squat rocketman followed by a squat, plank – into four shuffle steps, and an L-rising plank with sprints. The new recovery tap is introduced here, so get ready!
The Transformer is rapid taps. Block 2 is four oblique trappers with the diamond step squat done at the end of the step. Then, mortal combat squats around the end of the step and a lunge back, squat, lunge, and back together the sequence.

Transformer two is twist-oblique kicks. Your last block of work is quick and tough! Two dips around the world, a 1 foot on the step, hip up to pike up, and low floor hops.
After your Transformer, rocketman, the cast is literally on the floor. Tip: This workout is the toughest yet. Don’t be discouraged if your Transformer numbers don’t show as much progress as the first few weeks.
You are stronger, and the stronger you get, the harder it is to improve. Keep pushing.
Transform 20 Week 5 Workouts | Faster
This week, Faster doesn’t let up. You begin with 1 foot on the step jacks, double hops, and up, down, X jack. After your new favorite recovery taps, your Transformer is over the top X Jacks.
Block 2 consists of 2 plank taps on the step with a squat, a 1-2-3 over two times with a lunge back and tap the floor, then L-hops up, side, up, and back.

Transformer 2 is L reach. The last block is four plank jacks, revolve around the other side, then burpee side steps, and a complicated third move: 4 hops/taps from the end to the front, back to the end, and on the floor. Your Transformer is ski abs in/out.
Tip: You will get breathless on this one if you are pushing. Be sure to stay hydrated and wipe off your step. The choreography gets tricky, and the more you sweat, the easier it is to slip on the step.

Transform 20 Week 5 Workouts | Stronger
Stronger is going to test your limits, but you can do it! The first block of work is what Shaun T. calls the “peanut butter and jelly,” which is a squat burpee, squat turn, then a lunge squat off balance with a tap and twist.
Finally, a ski ab with push-up off the step brings you to the recovery taps. The Transformer is a 90-degree ab trapper. Set 2 is three squats getting wider each time with a shuffle over and back, then tricep dips with a toe kick and a squat forward, back, then turn, lunge, and lunge center.

The next Transformer is hover ab kicks. The final block of work is knee up tap, jump up tap, then plank oblique trappers with a push-up hold and crunches on the step for 4 counts, then legs straight up and reach for 4 counts. Transformer 3 is burpee hop.
Tip: You might be feeling the physical and mental transformation right now. It’s easy to get emotional and mental breakthroughs while pushing yourself to have physical breakthroughs.
Commit was about getting started, Climb was about believing in your ability, and Conquer was about momentum and breaking plateaus.
Transform 20 Week 5 Workouts | Powerful
Powerful is the one day you will get a longer warm-up. And you will need it. Block 1 is a jack, jab with one foot up, over-the-top low-split jumps with a tap on the floor, and then a rear-lunge hold.
After the hold, which will have you shaking, there is a squat push, turn 90 degrees, and turn and back. Then you will lunge hold on the other side. Transformer 1 is parkour.

Block 2 consists of plank-to-squat and a push-up alternating sides, a single-arm plank hold which you will repeat again after a low-switch-kick in the triceps dip position.
Transformer 2 is tap step, squat, reach. More holds are in store as set 3 is tabletop plank jacks with an abs hold (1 leg up and arms reaching with shoulders off the step).

You will do three spider-leg run steps to a high jump up and then repeat the abs hold before your last Transformer, which is a lunge punch.
Tip: Are you watching Transform Your Life with Shaun T. videos on your rest day or when you have a little extra time? If you aren’t, now is the time to catch up.
The videos are part of your program, and the information and motivation they contain can really help you get to the end.

Transform 20 Week 5 Workouts | Cut
This Cut workout is the hardest yet. Block 1 is 2 lunge pulses with 2 squat pulses and a turn squat followed by samurai abs, and 3-1 tricep dips with a high kick.
Transformer 1 is over-the-step jumps. Block 2 is 2 sumo squats/2 together, then shuffle 4, all done at the end of the step. Next is the windshield wiper abs, and V pushes up with a hop up.

Your Transformer is the hand-release push-up. Your last block is a hop from front to on the step, then plank to squat 2 times. From behind the stop, you will do a low plank, high plank, and then a tricep push-up at the end of the step to a pommel horse over and push-up.
The last Transformer is the triangle. Tip: Do you have someone to hold you accountable to your workouts? Sustainability is what Shaun T. stresses as important when you finish this transformation and move on. Being accountable can make this transformation sustainable.
Transform 20 Week 5 Workouts | Balanced
Balanced will give you a nice long warm-up before some serious stretching. Block 1 is two inhales up to plank and wide-leg spider stretch.
Then, you are led through a wide-leg hamstring stretch with a reach over the step; then, one leg reaches through the opposite arm with a twist.

You will repeat this on the other side, and Shaun T. will introduce some play with the tempo of the moves. Recovery taps are your original taps, and the first Transformer is climb push-ups.
Set 2 also plays with tempo. You will do these moves slowly and then pick up the pace. Front of the step plank to a single-leg down dog, back to plank, and pull the knee in.

Then, you will hold the extended leg up and bring it in and back for two counts. Finally, you will do a low-to-high hip flexor stretch with lat pulls, and you will repeat the leg hold on the other side.
Transformer 2 is a plank, oblique trap. The final block is a single-leg down dog, and you will shoot one leg back then in and move to a pigeon pose on the step.

You will hold this position also. Then you move to a bridge position hip ups with a turn over to a down dog on the floor. Each move in the series will repeat. Your final Transformer is balanced dips.
Tip: There is one more week left. Watch this Balanced video to the end. You will learn a lot about the cast and about Shaun T. Start thinking about what you are going to do when this transformation experience is over.

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