Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Foods to Eat

Most people schedule intermittent fasting in a way that makes it so 16 hours are combined with nighttime hours. You will sleep for half of the 16 hours. But what do you do when you can eat? There are some tips for intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat in order to get the best results. 

Losing weight isn’t easy but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good. Intermittent Fasting Tips | Weight Loss Tips | Fasting for Weight Loss | Healthy Eating Tips | Tips for Healthy Eating | What is Intermittent Fasting | Intermittent Fasting Recipes | Tips for Losing Weight | Healthy Weight Loss Ideas #intermittenfasting #healthtips

Intermittent fasting is a schedule for eating that is aimed to help you lose weight. There are a few different schedules that people use, but the most popular is 16/8.

You will not be allowed to eat for 16 hours a day, but you can eat freely for 8 hours a day. Losing weight isn’t easy, but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat, you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good.

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There is so much to learn about intermittent fasting. But little of what you learn will be focused on the food. The main goal of intermittent fasting is to provide you with an eating schedule.

Most people find it easier to combine other diets with intermittent fasting. Think of it as eating low carb or reducing refined carbohydrates during eating hours.

But there are some general rules for what to eat with intermittent fasting if you want a more customized experience. Intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat will help you lose weight.

Losing weight isn’t easy but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good. Intermittent Fasting Food List | What is Intermittent Fasting | How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting | What to Eat While Intermittent Fasting | Foods to Eat While Fasting

Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Foods | Fruits

Any healthy diet requires the consumption of plenty of natural foods. Fruits are natural foods packed with nutrients that will help you lose weight.

But there are some fruits that make the cut for intermittent fasting that may surprise you. Of course, any fruit will be good for your diet, but there are a few very important fruits

Intermittent Fasting 168 Foods to Eat Close Up of an Avocado Cut in Half


Avocados have a bad rep due to the high-calorie content in each avocado. But the goal is to make the food you eat to keep you feeling full for longer.

The longer you feel full, the easier the 16 hours will be. Avocados are very satiating. In fact, all you need to do is add half an avocado to your lunch to feel full for hours more than you would without. 

Losing weight isn’t easy but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good. Intermittent Fasting Food List | What is Intermittent Fasting | How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting | What to Eat While Intermittent Fasting | Foods to Eat While Fasting


All fruits are essential, and you should eat as many as possible within your 8 hours. But strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are two of the most essential fruits you can eat.

These berries are packed with antioxidants that will help you lose weight. Studies are always changing, and we’re always learning. However, a study was done that resulted in people eating these berries having a smaller increase in BMI over those who didn’t. 

Intermittent Fasting 168 Foods to Eat Papaya Slices on a Plate with Mixed Berries


Eating things specifically to make yourself feel full is essential. Especially as you get closer to that last eating hour. Papaya has a special enzyme in it called papain, which breaks down protein.

Your diet should be protein-heavy while intermittent fasting and that means you will need some help digesting that protein. Eat a few papaya chunks towards the end of your eating hours to help with digestion and bloating.

Losing weight isn’t easy but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good. Intermittent Fasting Food List | What is Intermittent Fasting | How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting | What to Eat While Intermittent Fasting | Foods to Eat While Fasting

Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Foods | Veggies

Veggies are another item that you can eat while intermittent fasting. However, like fruits, there are some veggies that stand out above the rest.

These vegetables will help you make it through your non-eating hours with ease. There is also the clear benefit of the nutrients you get from veggies. 

Intermittent Fasting 168 Foods to Eat Close Up of Peas in a Pile


Whether you believe beans are a fruit or veggie, none of us can deny that they are legumes. Legumes are a type of vegetable that includes beans, peas, green beans, and lentils.

All of these are perfect for you during intermittent fasting. What you get from legumes is a whole lot of fiber, and we all could be eating more fiber.

You could also use chickpeas, black beans, and soybeans to get similar nutrients.

Losing weight isn’t easy but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good. Intermittent Fasting Food List | What is Intermittent Fasting | How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting | What to Eat While Intermittent Fasting | Foods to Eat While Fasting


Potatoes help a lot with weight loss. Not because of the nutrients, though they do have nutrients. But because potatoes are a light starch that won’t stick to your weightier areas.

Potatoes are also used by the body to fuel good bacteria in your gut which keeps things moving. Just avoid fried potatoes in every way possible. Baked or boiled is perfect. 

Intermittent Fasting 168 Foods to Eat Close Up of Broccoli That Has Been Cut into Small Pieces


We want to keep the fiber going with more greenery. Broccoli is filled with fiber, and that will help you with your 16-hour stint. Of course, we all know what fiber is used for, and we want to keep that part of your day regular even with a new eating schedule.

You could also include Brussels sprouts and cauliflower on that list as well. 

Losing weight isn’t easy but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good. Intermittent Fasting Food List | What is Intermittent Fasting | How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting | What to Eat While Intermittent Fasting | Foods to Eat While Fasting

Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Foods | Grains

A lot of diets ask you to stop eating grains in general. This is because the primary source of grains people eat is from bread. But other ways to eat grains can make them a healthy option.

Once you know how to eat grains, you can better use them to eat for weight loss. 

Intermittent Fasting 168 Foods to Eat Close Up of a Skillet of Seitan Frying with Mixed Veggies


Protein, protein, protein. Protein is very important during your intermittent fasting. If you are looking for a red meat alternative, you could be eating seitan.

Seitan is a concoction similar to tofu, meaning it comes from natural ingredients but doesn’t grow on a tree. People also call seitan “wheat meat” as it is made from plant-based protein substitutes like wheat.

You can make seitan and then cook it however you’d like, from battered to baked.

Losing weight isn’t easy but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good. Intermittent Fasting Food List | What is Intermittent Fasting | How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting | What to Eat While Intermittent Fasting | Foods to Eat While Fasting

Whole Grains

Whole grains are so much healthier for you than refined grains. Farro, bulgur, Kamut, amaranth, millet, sorghum, or freekeh all count as whole grains that you can enjoy.

You will get the protein you want, plus get a metabolism boost from these whole grains.

Losing weight isn’t easy but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good. Intermittent Fasting Food List | What is Intermittent Fasting | How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting | What to Eat While Intermittent Fasting | Foods to Eat While Fasting

Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Foods | Meat

No one is telling you that you need to become a vegan in order to lose weight. However, studies have shown that meat is not as healthy for us as we thought.

Meat tastes great, but the more proteins we can get from other sources, the better. Still, there is no need to cut out all meats. Instead, you could eat better meat. 

Intermittent Fasting 168 Foods to Eat Close Up of a Plate of Salmon


Dietary guidelines dictate that we all should eat at least 8 ounces of fish per week. Fish is packed with proteins, healthy fats, and vitamin D.

It is important that you get all of the nutrients you can from the food you eat within your 8-hour period. After all, that food needs to keep you healthy throughout the day.

The type of fish doesn’t even matter in most cases, but salmon is always a safe bet.

Intermittent Fasting 168 Foods to Eat a Plate of Beef Slices On Top of a Salad


Beef doesn’t have as much protein as other meats, but there is still some. In fact, you could still eat red meat while intermittent fasting. The secret is moderation.

The best way to eat red meat like beef while intermittent fasting is with keto diet plans. You could use keto or paleo diet plans while fasting and still get results.

Actually, it is encouraged to utilize existing diets like those when intermittent fasting. 

Intermittent Fasting 168 Foods to Eat Close Up of Chicken Breasts on a Grill with Tomatoes


Chicken is obviously a healthier option for meat and losing weight. You can cook chicken in many different ways with so many different flavors, and the health benefits are still the same.

Once again, you will want to stick to existing diet plans when eating chicken. But you don’t have to. You could use modified recipes to help you through the diet while you also enjoy chicken.

When trying to lose weight, the goal is to eat lean meats as much as possible. The leaner, the better. 

Losing weight isn’t easy but if you know what intermittent fasting 16/8 foods to eat you can succeed at your weight loss goals for good. Intermittent Fasting Tips | Weight Loss Tips | Fasting for Weight Loss | Healthy Eating Tips | Tips for Healthy Eating | What is Intermittent Fasting | Intermittent Fasting Recipes | Tips for Losing Weight | Healthy Weight Loss Ideas #intermittenfasting #healthtips

More Intermittent Fasting

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