Elf on the Shelf Activities that Take Less than 5 Minutes
Our Elf on the Shelf has become a wonderful family tradition that everyone in the family looks forward to! Elf on the Shelf activities don’t have to take an hour to set up either!
Some days, our elf is up to craziness, and sometimes, he is right in plain sight, making it somehow harder to find him. We had a lot of fun last week watching all of our little Elf on the Shelf, Marco’s escapades!
Looking for a few fun and easy Elf on the Shelf activities for the holiday season straight from the North Pole? These Easy Elf on the Shelf ideas will work.
Now that you’ve introduced Elf on the Shelf, it’s time to have fun with your Elf. Each elf has a unique personality, often reflected in their Elf on the Shelf names and shenanigans.

Elf on the Shelf Activities that Take Less than 5 Minutes
We have a cardholder for each of the kids that they use when we play card games. Marco, our Elf on the Shelf, seems to LOVE a good card game, especially UNO.
He leaves one extra cardholder across the way from him to encourage them to play card games with their Elf on the Shelf!
Rainbow Loom Thief Fun Elf on the Shelf Idea
With our kids spending what seems like every waking moment making their Rainbow Loom creations, Marco couldn’t help but steal one and tease the kids with it.
They looked for Marco for a long time that day but finally found him! Little elves love to get all tied up with rainbow loom bands!
Play Hide and Seek with Elf on the Shelf
Gracie the Elf over at I am Ju Ju Blog loves playing hide and seek! Whether your elf follows Gracie’s lead in a sippy cup or finds another cute place, this activity is as fun for your elf as it is for the kids!
Thanks for playing along last week Ju Ju!
Elf on the Shelf Popcorn North Pole Snow Angel
Marco must have been missing the snow or something because, boy, did he get a bit crazy with the popcorn! He made a cute snow…or popcorn…angel and quite a mess behind him.
The kids thought this was hilarious and loved it even more when they found Marco had left them a popcorn heart the next morning after he cleaned up his mess.
Another great way to set up this scene is with glitter or sprinkles!
Repelling Time – Funny Elf on the Shelf Activities
I love how Louie, Becca’s elf over at My Crazy Good Life, adds a little adventure to the house! Louie is pretty much a mischief-maker of an elf and a blast to watch.
One of my favorites is when he went repelling…I sure hope Marco gives that a shot sometime soon. I think we’ll probably try and string him up with invisible thread so he can look like he’s flying!
Camouflage Elf on the Shelf
Now you see him, now you don’t. Sometimes, the simplest Elf on the Shelf activities can be the cutest for your Elf on the Shelf. Marco went camo on us and hopped up for some snuggle time with Santa, making it REALLY hard to find him.
He seemed all recharged the next day after his time with Santa. 🙂

You can’t go wrong with these Fun Elf on the Shelf Ideas Scene Setting Supplies
Your little Elf on the Shelf friend will get into trouble, but not without a bit of help and creativity on your part. Here are some great supplies to have on hand for setting the scene for your daily fun Elf on the Shelf ideas!
All of these items can be used in creative scenes that you Elf will star in each morning.

- Glitter
- Rainbow Sprinkles
- Marshmallows
- Food Markers
- Fishing Line
- Shaving Cream
- Snow in a Can
- Masking Tape
- Plastic Army Men
- Clear Plastic Wrap
- Pipe Cleaners

More Elf on the Shelf
10 Elf on the Shelf Introduction Letters | Introduction letters are always a fun way to introduce or reintroduce your elf to the family.
21 Welcome Back Elf on the Shelf Ideas | You could also go all out and have an entire welcome back idea in mind that will surprise the family.
Elf on the Shelf Jar Ideas | Carry your Elf with You | You can then take your elf with you and your family anywhere you go with the help of a magical mason jar.
60+ Elf on The Shelf Ideas on Pinterest | There are plenty of other ideas you can find on Pinterest that are pretty amazing and simple.
DIY Elf on The Shelf Clothes | Dress your elf up for some extra fun with the help of some DIY clothing that will fit them perfectly.