Transform 20 Week 6 Workouts and Tips
This. Is. It. The final week of your Transform 20 experience is found in these Transform 20 week 6 workouts. If you feel like it flew by, you aren’t alone.
By now, you know you can do anything for 20 minutes if you set your mind to it. You are seeing results and feeling your transformation. Now brace yourself.
Week 6 is a challenge, but you are prepared to conquer it. It is almost time for your victory lap, but there are a few workouts that need to be done first. Congratulations!

You are approaching the end of your Transform 20 journey. At this point, you should recognize the power you have. You’ve also built up quite a bit of momentum over the past few weeks.
So, where do you go from here? After this series, you can continue to get better, continue to lose weight, or continue to reach your fitness goals.
Whether you choose to repeat Transform 20 or move on to a new challenge, you now believe you can. According to Shaun T., positivity is the “fuel.” It will move you forward.
Transform 20 Week 6 Workouts and Tips
This final Burn workout is very similar to the Burn workout you did on your first day of Transform 20. This is on purpose so that you can see the real progress you have made.
Block 1 is a step knee-up with a punch, sprint-switch step, and a mortal combat rotation. Transformer 1 is rapid taps. Block 2 is rising planks, side-squat to rear lunge with a tap, and a step-burpee with a rotation.

Transformer 2 twists oblique kicks. Block 3 is a hip-up with one foot on the step, then a roll to a V-up, floor sprints with the step behind you, and lunge with heel surge. Your last transformer is rocketman.
Tip: Go back and look at week 1. If you were keeping a log, read it and remember how you were feeling after that first day. That’s the day you made a commitment to do this program. How far have you come?
Transform 20 Week 6 Workouts | Faster
Block 1 of Faster is a power-knee step shuffle, knee raise with plank jacks, and a pommel horse, followed by Transformer 1, over the top X jacks.
Block 2 is a burpee with a heel surge, a 3-count over-the-step, and a plank rotation. Your second transformer is the L reach. Your core will likely be screaming at you after this set.

Block 3 doesn’t let up. Scissor sprints, low jacks on and off the step, and floor hops will keep your heart rate up until that last second. The final Transformer is ski abs in and out.
Tip: Protein or a shake immediately after a workout like this is a must. You will recover quicker and avoid the urge to snack.
Transform 20 Week 6 Workouts | Stronger
This workout is the one you have heard about. Shaun T. will lead the class in complete silence. You will have only a few verbal cues. Otherwise, the only sounds you hear are of the cast and yourself breathing and stepping.
Block 1 will be the linking side-squat rear lunge, one-hand-up push-ups and tricep dips with a kick. Simple and straightforward. The first Transformer is a 90-degree ab trapper.

Block 2 is side-to-side squats, adductor squats, side squats, then a rising plank to push-ups, and a swimmer reach lying on the step. Transformer 2 is hover ab kicks.
Block 3 is a rear lunge with a toe tap, down dog on the side of the step with a hop up both feet and a pushup, and two crunches on the step to a two-count straight leg up with reach. Transformer 3 is burpee hop.

Tip: This one is about conquering your mind. Listen to your self-talk. Positive thoughts should be what guide and motivate you through this workout.
The moves are not complicated in this one, but the silence is something we don’t normally have during our workouts. After the 20 minutes, Shaun T. explains that this was a test to see how far you can push yourself to sustain results. For some, this is a powerful lesson.
Transform 20 Week 6 Workouts | Powerful
Block 1 includes a frog jump forward and back with a squat on the step, an “out the block” power burpee move with a power step off the bench, then one-hand-on-step pushups two times with a punch, walk across the step, and repeat.
A pike ab with taps on the sides of the step finishes up. Your recovery taps are the dreaded over-the-step plank tap-ups. Transformer 1 is parkour.

Block 2 is tabletop jacks on each side of the step, squat with a quick, elevated lunge on the end of the step, lying-on-the-step star to push-up and alternating arm raise, then seated windshield wiper ab taps.
Transformer 2 is TS squat reach. Block 3 consists of rapid taps on the end of the step, rising plank jacks with a tap down, burpee heel surge kicking with both legs, double heel hip up with a rollover to low plank pike up and back (rolling to alternating sides).

Transformer 3 is a lunge punch. Tip: “Believe” is Shaun T.’s tip today. Workouts are great until they get hard. The moment it gets hard is the moment you need to believe and do better every day.
Internalize everything you have done so far. Believe that you can because tomorrow is the Shaun-A-Thon. Be focused.
Transform 20 Week 6 Workouts | Cut / Shaun-A-Thon
This Cut workout is no joke. The Shaun-A-Thon is the final test and your last day of serious work in this Transform 20 journey. Not only that, but it is 60 minutes long, and you will perform nine Transformers.
The workout is divided like the chapters in the series: 20 minutes of Commit, 20 minutes of Climb, and 20 minutes of Conquer will be your 60 minutes.
Each chapter is based on moves you have done in your Cut, Burn, and Powerful workouts. One last warning: The recovery taps are the plank taps. Here’s how it breaks down.

Part 1 | Commit
- Pulse rear lunge, pulse side squat with two squat rotations at the end of the step and back
- Samurai abs, one side
- Tricep with a kick toe tap, one side
- (repeat on the other side)

Transformer 1 – Over-the-Step Jumps (from Cut)
- 2 pulse squats with hands to step floor hop
- Parallel bar abs
- Pike push-ups straddling step, then on the step, 2 counts up and down
- (repeat)

Transformer 2 – Hand release pushups (from Cut)
- Wide squat, narrow squat to shuffle squat, two times
- Low plank with oblique knee-in on one side
- Rear lunge off the end of the step, pulse four, run over the end and back
- (repeat on the other side)
Transformer 3 – Triangle (from Cut)
You get a short break here.

Part 2 | Climb
- One side tap ups with arms overhead
- Over the top shuffle step
- (repeat each other side)
- Linking squat/lunge back one side
- Rising plank in an L, one side
- Mortal combat
- (repeat on the other side)
Transformer 4 – Rapid Taps (from Burn)
- Shuffle-shuffle up and back, one side
- Plank jacks onto step
- Windshield wiper abs
- (repeat on the other side)

Transformer 5 – Twist Oblique Kicks (from Burn)
- Heel surge, step back, squat on the end of the step, one side
- Wide push up, walk hands around to tri pushup end of step
- Tight rope, one side
- (repeat on the other side)
Transformer 6 – Rocketman (from Burn)
Short break here.

Part 3 | Conquer
- Power repeater knee right
- Power repeater knee left
- Calf raise on step forward and back on the floor, right
- Calf raise on step foward and back on the floor, left
- Burpee hop with side-step squat (right then left)
- At this point, all moves are 1 minute each
- Squat hops in a box around the step
- 2 pulse tricep dips around the world
- Pike position hops over the step
- 2 crunches on the step, 2 straight leg reaches

Transformer 7 – Parkour (from Powerful)
- 2 pulse squats on side of step and repeat
- Tricep push up on end of step, off to low high plank, and repeat with the other side
- Pushup burpee hop to squat on the step “peanut butter and jelly”
- Hip up, rollover pike up to alternating sides

Transformer 8 – TS Squat Reach (from Powerful)
- Diamond squats up and back straddling step
- Shuffle squat with a rising plank, alternating sides
- Tabletop over the top burpee, side to side
- Power repeater knee, shuffle

Transformer 9 – Lunge Punch (from Powerful)
Tip: This one was HARD! But you should be celebrating your transformation. Take your time on this cool down and compare all of your Transformer numbers to your previous weeks.
Most importantly, do not skip tomorrow’s Balance workout. It is your victory lap.
Transform 20 Week 6 Workouts | Balance
This final workout is nearly identical to your Balance week 5 workout. After a nice long warm-up, Block 1 is two inhales up to plank and wide-leg spider stretch.
Then, you are led through a wide-leg hamstring stretch with a reach over the step; then one leg reaches through the opposite arm with a twist.

Repeat the series before recovery taps are rear tap backs, and the first Transformer is climbing push-ups. Block 2 is a front-of-the-step plank to a one-legged down dog, back to plank, and pull the knee in.
Then, you will hold the extended leg up and bring it in and back for 2 counts. Finally, you will do a low-to-high hip flexor stretch with lat pulls, and you will repeat the leg hold on the other side.

Transformer 2 is a plank, oblique traps. Block 3 is a single-leg down dog, and you will shoot one leg back then in and move to a pigeon pose on the step.
Then you move to a bridge position hip ups with a turn over to a down dog on the floor. Each move in the series will repeat. Your final Transformer is balanced dips.

More Transform 20
Transform 20 Calendar Schedule and Workout Tips | There are a few weeks of Transform 20 that you will want to prepare for during your journey.
Transform 20 Workout FAQ | Beachbody | You may even have some basic questions about the program and how well it works.
Week 1 Workouts and Tips | The first week is the hardest as we adjust to the new lifestyle and daily activities.
Transform 20 Week 2 Workouts and Tips | Things get easier during week 2, our bodies have adjusted, and we are starting to get into a flow.
Week 3 Workouts and Tips | You should be ready to get through the entire program by this time.