DIY Elf on The Shelf Clothes
It’s that time of year again where your level of creativity is challenged by a little doll known as Elf on The Shelf. DIY Elf on The Shelf clothes can help you with the high levels of creativity that you need.
Halloween has passed, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to put the sewing machines away. Make clothes for your elf that put him right in the middle of whatever story you’re creating.
You may not need to sew costumes for your children or spouse anymore but what about your Elf? Use these creative and easy DIY Elf on The Shelf clothes and elf outfit ideas as the starting point for tonight’s scene.

If you are planning an elaborate season of Elf on the Shelf scenes you’ll need some supplies. I recommend picking up at least a few of these items…you never know when that pesky Elf is going to “forget” to move and you’ll have to set something up super fast!
But your elf can look great in the clothes you made for him or her even if he or she forgets to move. That’s because you made these clothes and while there are patterns to follow there is still room for customization.

You could take these patterns and change the fabric or add a special touch that would only mean something to you and your family. Have fun with your elf and the clothes you put him or her in.
DIY Elf on The Shelf Clothes
Staying creative with Elf on The Shelf can be exhausting. Luckily there are a few tips that can help you master the art of Elf creativity, even if your elf is visiting you for the fifth year in a row.
- Glitter
- Rainbow Sprinkles
- Marshmallows
- Food Markers
- Fishing Line
- Shaving Cream
- Snow in a Can
- Masking Tape
- Plastic Army Men
- Clear Plastic Wrap
- Pipe Cleaners
Free Patterns | Sew lovele
Elf Shoes | DIY Inspired
Elf Bow Tie | The Celebration Shoppe
Project Super Elf | Lemon Cadet
Getting Magically Creative
First, utilize the internet! There are plenty of ideas for not only introducing Elf on The Shelf but also a lot of great ideas for saying goodbye to your Elf. You can find a little bit of this, that, and everything in between.
Elf Skirt | Welcome To The Mouse House
Ballerina Outfit | Organized Chaos Online
Secret Agent Elf | Spotted Pink Potatoes
Silhouette Machine Ideas | Silhouette School Blog
Another great tip is to pay attention to pop culture and the trends that make your children happy. For example, in 2016, Pokemon Go was everywhere. Make mini poke balls as DIY Elf on the Shelf clothes for your Elf or get a few Pokemon miniatures and have your elf hunting for Pokemon.
The last and most important tip for staying creative with Elf on The Shelf is to have fun! If you’re not having fun with the elf’s scene, your kids won’t have a good time either.

Give your elf a personality; maybe he likes to cook, or maybe she likes to play tricks and set traps. Use their personality to have fun and create scenes that will put a smile on your child’s face each morning!
Knitted Boots | Studio Knit
Sock Dress | Uncommon Designs Online
Messenger Bag | DIY Inspired
More Elf
Crazy Easy Elf on The Shelf Ideas | Elves are crazy little things that enjoy getting in magical mischief. They may require a little help from you though to ensure everyone stays safe.
60+ Elf on The Shelf Ideas on Pinterest | There are plenty of ways to have fun with your elf. In fact, you can find most of the best ones on Pinterest.
Elf on the Shelf Activities that Take Less than 5 Minutes | Not all elves enjoy just sitting there all day, every day. Some want to have a more active lifestyle.
How to Say Goodbye to Elf on the Shelf | Saying goodbye is never easy, but the elves have other things to do as well. We can use this time to teach our children a thing or two about goodbyes.
Elf on the Shelf Jar Ideas | But you don’t have to say goodbye if you are just going on a short trip. You can bring your elf with you so long as you keep it safe in an elf carrying case.