Printable Cell Phone Contract for Tweens and Teens
We got our tween a cell phone. I was uncertain, but I really had no logic that went along with it. When my husband and I talked about the real reasons he should have one, we knew the time had come for our almost eleven-year-old to have a cell phone AND a cell phone contract.
I wanted to avoid this moment until he was closer to 13, but I realized that I really just liked that number because it was a teen number. The decision to get any child a cell phone is a big one.
It is deserving of a cell phone contract to make sure both parents and child are clear on the rules of cellular engagement. There was a time when all kids wanted was a bicycle for the holidays.

I wouldn’t know anything about that because both of my children have grown up in the digital age. That means I am one of the many pioneer parents dealing with the unchartered waters of digital parenting.
Our best defense as parents is to keep our children honest and safe. We use a cell phone contract to get started and will go from there.

Printable Cell Phone Contract for Tweens and Teens
Because our son is a child – that’s why. If we want him to be successful with the cell phone and not have it be a constant thorn in all of our sides because we are frustrated with how he is using it, when he is using it, and so on.
It is up to the US to teach HIM how to be successful. The rules in this contract are the most critical items we needed him to understand, as well as the simplest items that we knew he would abide by.

If you make things too complicated or too restrictive, kids will find a way to break the rules. If they break the contract, it’s all for nothing. The cell phone contract we came up with for our tween is linked below, and there is a handy link that lets you print this cell phone contract to use with your own tween.
You can easily print this contract for tweens by clicking on this link or the image above and using it with your own family. Even if your kids aren’t cell phone-ready yet, it’s a good tool to have in your back pocket.

And yes, there are 16 rules on the contract
While some may think that is too much, having a cell phone is a BIG responsibility with HIGH costs. Thus, if he wants it, he should understand that there is a lot at stake.
He should approach owning it differently than his favorite toys. I hope that this cell phone contract for tweens helps you in your digital parenting responsibilities with your own child.
Remember to discuss the contract with your child calmly and age-appropriate so everyone is on the same page.
We’ve also shared a printable Instagram contract for teens and tweens, which you can check out right here!
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I am SO thankful to read a blog that is like seeing my own heart on paper. We are finally going to allow our 11 year old son to have a cell phone and completely agree that it is a HUGE responsibility and it’s a little scary for me. So many of his friends have phones and I don’t feel like anyone we know takes this step with as much precaution and concern as my husband and I do. I’m working out an agreement between us as well but I know all I can really do is PRAY PRAY PRAY that he makes good choices. Thank you!
It sounds like with a parent like you, Jen, he will do just fine. <3