Transform 20 Week 3 Workouts and Tips
Sticking through the first two weeks of this program, like any program or new habit, has set the stage for success. During Chapter 2, Climb, you learned that you have what it takes to finish all three chapters and transform your fitness and your life. Now, it’s time to start Transform 20 Week 3 Workouts.
Congratulations! You made it through the first chapter of Transform 20. It’s called Commit for a reason, and that’s exactly what you did. Making it to Transform 20 Week 3 workouts is not an easy feat, but you’ve made it.
Now, prepare yourself for what’s to come. Like Shaun T. says, “you’ve learned how to push your body to the next level. Now it’s time for chapter 2.” There’s a lot you can expect from Transform 20 Week 3 Workouts.
Since you’ve made it this far, surely you know Mondays mean it’s time to burn. From there, things advance even further, and here is where you will find a walkthrough of Transform 20 Week 3 workouts.

Transform 20 Week 3 Workouts and Tips
As you are coming to expect, Monday starts with a burn! After your 2-minute warm-up, the main workout again has three blocks, three exercises each with transformers in between.
You’ll notice the pace is picked up a bit from weeks 1 and 2. The transformers are exactly the same as the Commit transformer’s Burn day.

Set 1 is a 1, 2, 3 over the step, a squat touch, kick, then a burpee to adductor squat. On your second round of burpees to squat, you will vary the squat to a wide stance. Transformer 1 is rapid taps off the step.
Record your number and move on quickly to set 2. Set 2 is a squat/lunge/twist, a power knee shuffle, and tricep dips. Transformer 2 is twist-oblique kicks.

Your last block of work consists of a narrow step burpee to a hop on the step, planks in and out with pushups, and switch kicks. Once you repeat, you are ready for your final Transformer.
Transformer 3 is Rocketman. Tip: If you are having a difficult time with choreography on the step, you can always modify. Slow it down until you have the steps or take it off the step. You will still get a workout.

Transform 20 Week 3 Workouts | Faster
By now, you realize that Faster is just that. It’s a ramped-up aerobic workout for endurance and muscle toning. It’s Burn, plus some. Your 20 minutes has three main sets, with three moves each that will be repeated for balance.
The first set of exercises includes sprinting over the step, stepping to uppercut, hopping to squat on and off the step, and hopping triangle steps.

These moves will be familiar, as they were introduced in week 2. Your first transformer is Over the Top X Jacks. Set two involves rising planks to x-jumps, toe taps to a plyo squat, and step knee and step lunge with jabs.
Your Transformer is the L Reach. The last set starts with tricep dips, then switch kicks with toe taps, and finally, over-the-step plank jacks. The final Transformer is Ski Abs.

Tip: Staying in the workout when it gets tough is challenging. Remember, this is just 20 minutes out of your day. You can get through it, and it will be over before you know it.
When you are feeling the burn, keep pushing just a little longer!

Transform 20 Week 3 Workouts | Stronger
Welcome to Stronger Day! You will slow down a little bit, but what you lose in speed, you will gain in intensity! After your warm-up, you are in for a squat behind the step, hop up with a cross tap on the step, plank on the step and off the side with in-and-out abs, and a low-side plank fly (single arm at a time).
Transformer 1 is the 90-degree ab trapper. Set 2 consists of a rising plank moving forward and backward with an oblique knee and step pushup, a vertical jump to a forward balance hold, and 3 counts down tricep dips. Transformer 2 is hover ab kicks.

The final set starts with laying in a Superman position and tapping the toes onto the step. Then, from a tabletop position, walking down-up on the step, and finally, off-the-step side squats and rear lunges, linking the hands under the knee each move. Transformer 3 is a burpee hop.
Tip: Shaun T recommends making a list each day or night of things you want to accomplish the next day. Make a healthy to-do list and consider your goals for tomorrow’s class.
Maybe you want to drink more water or get more sleep. The checklist will keep you accountable to yourself.
Transform 20 Week 3 Workouts | Powerful
Powerful comes at that time during the week when you may not be feeling too powerful at all. You will feel the burn with this one. Set 1 includes a jump switch with a punch, alternating lunge jumps, and one arm-up push-up with burpee jumps on both sides of the step, then forward, back, and over-the-top squat hops.
Transformer 1 is parkour. The second set is over-the-top with rotational jumps, side-to-side floor hops with your hands on the narrow end of the step (kicking heels up high enough to kick your booty!), a travel lunge twice with a switch, four tricep dips to four sit-backs on the step, and knee-up taps.

Transformer 2 is the TS squat reach. The last set is a diamond-step jump up and back, a feet-on-step plank pushup with a jack off the step, traveling planks on the step with floor sprints on each side, and then sitting on the step, switch kick taps working the abs.
Transformer 3 is the lunge punch. Tip: Take breaks if needed! This workout is HARD. The plyo holds will fatigue your muscles quickly and if you find it hard to keep up this week, take the quick rest and then get right back into it.
Transform 20 Week 3 Workouts | Cut
Your first set consists of a standing knee crunch, one leg on a step, and a cross-arm raise. Then, one arm up, one down, pushup with a knee tap and a seated-on-step V up.
Transformer 1 is over-the-step jumps. Following Transformer 1 is your next set, which consists of rising planks over the step with a fly back and pushes up on the step.

Next is a floor pushup to tap up like a superhero and traveling double-hop squats. Transformer 2 is the hand-real push-up. The final set is 8-count lunge pulses with a tap to the step, a 4-count up-and-down tricep push-up on the step with a quick in-and-out ab, and a tabletop position crawl over the top with an in-and-out ab.
Transformer 3 is the hop-squat triangle. Tip: If you feel shoulder pain or cannot complete the full move on any of these one-arm up, one-down moves, don’t hesitate to take the entire move off the step or come to your knees.
While these sets should burn, they should never “hurt.”
Transform 20 Week 3 Workouts | Balanced
Finally, you made it Balanced. Your last day of week 3 is a longer warmup and a lot of active recoveries. The first set begins with 3-count back lunges off of the step with a tap up.
Then you will move to a plank on the step to downward dog with a 4-count spider and a 3-count bridge over the step to a 3-count V up. Transformer 1 is climb push-ups.

Your second block of work is a step-up quad stretch, step-down hamstring stretch, plank with a wide jump in, hip stretches side-to-side, and a bridge on the edge of the step with alternating kicks and an ab crunch.
Transformer 2 is an oblique plank trap. Finally, to end your week, you have samurai hamstring stretches with a reach, floor hops over the step with a standing chest-opening stretch, and alternating knees crunching in but focusing more on the stretch through the hip and pushing through with your heel.

Transformer 3 is balanced dips. Tip: You have completed week 3! Take your rest day and use the time to refocus on your goals. Did your Transformer numbers go up or down this week?
How were you feeling each day? What do you want to do with your workouts next week? At this halfway point, do a goals check.

More Transform 20
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Week 3 Workouts and Tips | The end is so much closer! We start to realize just how easy this routine can be by week 3.