Ketogenic Diet Food List | What Can you Eat on a Keto Diet?
So you have chosen to go, Keto; now what? Knowing ahead of time what you can and cannot eat will help you prepare, shop, and meal prep for success. You can even take this ketogenic diet foods list by food type to the grocery store to keep you on track and in ketosis.
Use this ketogenic diet food list to stay aware of what to eat on a keto diet. This keto food list is great to use while grocery shopping, too! You could walk into any grocery store and immediately feel overwhelmed when you are trying to stick to a keto diet.
There are so many foods to choose from and so many different aisles to wander. But knowing exactly what fits into your keto diet isn’t as simple as seeing the right sign above an aisle.

You need to know for yourself what you can eat on a keto diet and what you need to avoid. That is where a ketogenic diet foods list comes in handy. Want an easy mobile-friendly version to keep with you for easy grocery shopping?
You can save this ebook to your phone and take it with you to the store to make sure the items you pick fit within your diet. You could also just study the list and try to keep it in mind the next time you go grocery shopping.

Either way, this list is an important tool to lose weight through healthy nutrition.
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Ketogenic Diet Food List | What Can you Eat on a Keto Diet?
Fats will be the largest part of your caloric intake when you are on a Keto diet. They can be combined and added to your meals in numerous ways. Sauces, dressings, and toppings as simple as the right kind of butter will help you get your fat intake and keep you in ketosis.
There are several different types of fats, and knowing which ones to eat is crucial. Typically, on the Keto diet, organic and grass-fed sources of fat and protein are preferable.

Fats to eat:
- Saturated Fats: butter, ghee, coconut oil, and lard are all a YES on Keto.
- Monounsaturated Fats: Also a YES. Examples are olive, avocado, and macadamia nut oils.
MCT Oil: YES. MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, as opposed to long-chain triglycerides (LCT), found in most foods. Medium-chain triglycerides oil is highly recommended on Keto.
It is an odorless and translucent liquid at room temperature, occurring naturally in coconut oil and other foods. It can also be purchased online and in health food stores.
Polyunsaturated Fats: You will only want natural sources of this type of fat, such as fatty fish. Processed fats like those you find in margarine tubs should not be consumed.
Fats to avoid are Trans Fats commonly found in processed foods and Hydrogenated Oils used to improve shelf life and in things like margarine.

Here are some excellent sources of fats and oils:
- Fatty Fish
- Animal Fat (non-hydrogenated)
- Lard
- Tallow
- Avocados
- Egg Yolks
- Macadamia/Brazil Nuts
- Butter/Ghee
- Mayonnaise
- Coconut Butter
- Cocoa Butter
- Olive Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Avocado Oil
- Macadamia Oil
- MCT Oil – can be purchased online and at health food stores

Protein intake is important when it comes to keto. Too much, and you can lower your ketone levels. Too little, and you can lose lean muscle. Generally, it’s recommended to keep your protein intake between 0.6g and 0.8g of protein per pound of lean body mass.
Grass-fed and organic proteins are preferred partly because they tend to be lower in saturated fat. Fatty cuts of meat are higher in saturated fat and are more detrimental to overall health.

They should be consumed in very small amounts or avoided. Avoid farmed fish and animals fed with hormones and antibiotics.
Here are some good sources of protein:
- Fish – preferably wild-caught.
- Shellfish
- Whole Eggs
- Beef
- Pork
- Poultry
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Ketogenic Diet Foods List | Vegetables
All vegetables are acceptable on Keto; however, the sweeter the vegetable is, the higher the sugar (carb) content is. The more sugar it has in it. You will want to limit your consumption of veggies like carrots, squash, onions, and starchy vegetables.
Generally, stick to vegetables that grow above ground and lean toward the leafy green kind. Fresh or frozen doesn’t matter frozen can be one way to keep your grocery spending down while on Keto.

Some good vegetable sources are:
- Broccoli
- Asparagus
- Mushrooms
- Zucchini
- Spinach
- Avocado
- Cauliflower

Most dairy is fine to eat, but make sure to buy full-fat dairy items. Dairy products labeled low-fat and nonfat are generally loaded with sugar and starch.
Full-fat versions of these are good choices:
- Yogurt
- Cottage cheese
- Sour cream
- Cheese

Nuts and Seeds
In moderation, nuts and seeds can provide good fat and some protein with little carb content. Look for less than 3 grams of net carbs.
Good choices are:
- Flaxseed
- Pecans
- Brazil nuts
- Macadamia nuts
- Chia seeds
- Walnuts
- Hazelnuts
Ketogenic Diet Foods List | Beverages
Keep things simple and stick to mostly water. Coffee and tea are OK as well. If you have to have some type of soft drink, stick to seltzer, tonic, or drinks flavored with stevia instead of sugar and limit your intake.
Saving the most important question, can you drink alcohol on Keto? There’s not an easy answer. When you drink alcohol, your body will process it quickly, which will take away from ketone production.
In a nutshell, drinking alcohol slows ketone production. Also, many popular alcohol choices, such as beer and wine, are loaded with carbs, which will quickly put you out of ketosis.

If you must have a cocktail, try to limit yourself to one of the following:
- Tequila
- Whiskey, scotch, or bourbon
- Vodka: Not flavored options
- Rum
- Brandy
- Gin
The bottom line is that a ketogenic diet can be used to achieve weight loss and other health goals. It can include a wide variety of foods if you are knowledgeable and plan.
To get all the benefits of a keto diet, stay within your daily carb allowance and stick to the allowable foods regularly.

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