Core De Force Review – Calories Burned and Does it Work?
Beachbody is back, and the latest workout, Core De Force, offers all of the cardio I have come to love from Beachbody workouts with a fun twist. Since I love at-home workouts, I needed to share my Core De Force review with you so you can see if it is a fit for you!
Boxing and mixed martial arts add some incredible strength-building to this workout; it’s the perfect way to spice up your at-home workout routine and burn a ton of calories along the way.
Our Core De Force Review offers a comprehensive review of each workout in the program as well as the cost and calories burned. There are a few options to consider when starting out with the Core De Force program.

You can buy the full program here. You can also purchase the Deluxe kit, which adds some additional discs and gear. There are always things you can add to any workout program to give you better results.
I like to make sure I have some free weights, a yoga mat, and of course some great shoes for enduring these tough workouts. Another option you might consider is any of the other Beachbody programs.

If the MMA style of Core De Force is not your thing, you might like the 21 Day Fix program. Of course, no tried and true method works for everyone.
The best thing about at home workouts is that you can customize and use what works best for you! After working my way through all of the Core De Force workouts I wanted to share a comprehensive review that looks at everything to consider in any workout review.
After all, working out at home is convenient, but it is not always cheap, so it’s important to look at all factors.

Core De Force Review – Calories Burned and Does it Work?
Let’s face it: part of reviewing any workout program is what you get for the money. Beachbody’s Core De Force Base Kit workout program retails for about $60.00 and comes with three DVDs that include 10 MMA-Inspired Workouts.
A Quick-Start Guide, 30-Day Calendar, and Eating Plan book are also included. I actually ordered the Core De Force Deluxe Kit workout program comes with three additional deluxe workouts on one DVD and an agility ladder to use with them.
The Beachbody portion control containers are also included. The Core De Force Deluxe Kit retails for $120 or so if you get it from a Beachbody Coach.

Core De Force MMA Speed
The first Core De Force DVD includes four workouts and a tutorial, Learn It & Work It. MMA Speed is one of my favorite Core De Force workouts because it provides an awesome total body workout with relatively low-impact moves.
With six rounds, the workout is 27 minutes long, which makes it an easy no no-excuse workout. Who can’t find 27 minutes in their day to get their workout in?

Core De Force Dynamic Strength
Oh, how I love the Core De Force dynamic strength workout! Low-impact moves that build a lean and strong body are the focus of this 47-minute workout.
A few of my favorite moves are the Sumo Squat with a Leg Check and Floating Starfish. I can’t do all of the moves in this workout at times due to my vertigo, so if that’s the case, I add a few rounds of Dynamic Strength onto another workout.

Core De Force Core Kinetics
The Core Kinetics workout is 16 minutes long and focuses on core moves that are anything but crunch. While this workout will build lean abs, it also tones and tightens every other inch of your body.

Core De Force MMA Shred
The second DVD includes a tutorial as well and then leads right into the MMA Shred workout. I was not familiar with Muay Thai moves, or at least the name, before starting Core De Force.
I quickly realized there was no need to be nervous about that; the moves have a different feel to them, with a focus on kicks and pulling strength from the elbows.
Think strong chest and back muscles all in 37 minutes!

Core De Force Power Sculpt
Oh, did I feel this workout! Both this and the Dynamic Strength workout are fantastic strength and conditioning workouts that truly ANYONE can do!
I like this workout because you can feel it lengthening and building lean muscles throughout the entire 37 minutes.

Core De Force Relief
I am awful at stretching. I know it’s bad for me to skip it, so I am trying to get better at it. Beachbody’s Focus T25 has a STRETCH workout that is my favorite stretching workout by far.
It beats yoga any day of the week for me. The Relief workout from Core De Force is like a mini version of that for me, all completed in five minutes. Now, if I could only get in all of the positions. 🙂

Core De Force MMA Power
This is where Core De Force goes into championship mode, but the good news is the workout is still completely doable for any fitness level!
That’s perhaps my favorite thing about Core De Force; when I pulled out that final DVD and felt a bit fearful of moves that were beyond me – I. Was. Wrong.
The pace is faster, and there is a bit more cardio because of that, but MMA Power will also burn more calories throughout the 47 minutes.

Core De Force MMA Plyo
It’s no wonder I burned close to 600 calories doing MMA Plyo! Be sure you watch the Learn It and Work It tutorial if you are new to these moves to make sure you know how to do the moves correctly and then be ready to push for 47 minutes.
Not only will this maximize results, but it will help you stay safe and avoid injury.

Core De Force Active Recovery
One thing became very clear quickly with Core De Force – it works. How did I know? Because the nooks and crannies of my body were sore – EVERYWHERE!
The Active Recovery workout, which is only 21 minutes, is great for stretching and reducing the pain from my sore muscles. Honestly, I feel like part of why I get sore is because my body is very used to working out with impact.
Core De Force is a kick-butt workout without all of the heavy bouncings. When I am sore, it’s because I am truly working muscles on their own and pushing them to new levels.

5 Min. Core on the Floor
This workout is only five minutes, and I love using it as a bonus for other workouts when I need it. While life is busy we all know there are those days when there is more time than we may think.
When I am working out and have time for just a little bit more, I use it and add on the 5 Minute Core on the Floor workout or a few rounds of any other workout.
It is offered on each of the three DVDs for added flexibility.
Core De Force Review Highlights
- The Core De Force workout is filled with functional moves that will help agility and strength in so many daily moves during a regular day.
- The most important point in our Core De Force review is that these workouts are 100% total body workouts.
- Core De Force is easy to do wherever I am and requires zero equipment – LOVE that!
- Breaks and instruction time are built into the workouts which I greatly appreciate because I HATE feeling behind when I am learning moves in any workout. (HINT: No excuses if you are not familiar with mixed martial arts!)
- The 3-minute rounds in Core De Force make it easy to stay motivated and also make it easy to fit any part of any workout into my day. (TIP: Even if you can’t do the whole workout, do SOMETHING.)
- The MMA-inspired workouts make me feel STRONG! It’s what I love about kickboxing workouts, but Core De Force takes it to a higher level.
- For those who have done kickboxing, Core De Force is more than that. Inspired by mixed martial arts, the workouts rotate between boxing moves, Muar Thai, and Kickboxing. h
- The instruction behind each of the moves in Core De Force is clear to help avoid any injuries.
- The Core De Force MMA Shred workout helped me see how small changes in moves I was familiar with produced completely different results.
- Two words – Hip Flexors. I know how important these are, especially as we age, and Core De Force is so beneficial for them. I can feel each and every workout.

How Many Calories Does Core De Force Burn?
It’s important to note in my Core De Force review that I was immediately impressed with Core De Force when I completed the MMA Speed workout.
Burning the most calories in a short amount of time is key for me, so I was really focused on how many calories Core De Force would burn. I burn about 200 calories with MMA Speed and burn over 500 calories with Dynamic Strength.

I find once my body starts burning calories, the rate of return increases quickly after working out for 20 minutes. Make sure to read our Core De Force meal plan tips to amplify your results and look at the Core De Force calories burned as a major plus of the Core De Force review.
This printable will also help keep you on track with the Beachbody Portion Control Containers.

Core De Force Modifications
Admittedly I am an at home workout junkie. People wonder why I love them so much but the number one reason for me is they remove excuses from my life.
Work, life, kids, and all of the same excuses others make are there, and at-home workouts allow me to dig into my workouts when it works for me.

All at home workouts are different, and it excites me to learn the form and strategy behind them. Core De Force has fantastic instructors and a modifier in each workout.
When you use a modifier, the exercises become easier. The ability to easily modify is very important to consider when looking at a Core De Force review.

Beachbody Core De Force Review Verdict
This workout is a top ten of all time for me, along with Cize, which is saying a lot since I only workout at home. The one thing that can be harder to accomplish with at home workouts is strength building.
You can get cardio AND get crazy strong in the process with a combination of low and high-impact moves.
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