Quotes about Change in Life and Love
Quotes about change in life and love are perfect for reminding yourself why it’s so important to stick it out through these tough changes and rough spots!
I don’t think any of us would be so bold as to claim we have never hit a rough spot in our lives. It happens to us all. The important thing is how we handle these bumps in the road.
One thing that is certain is that everything will change. Life is messy. It’s difficult and full of tough spots but also beautiful. These quotes about change in life and love are perfect for remembering why we stick it out through the bad stuff!

In the past, I’ve shared some other great quotes with you. Everything from sarcastic quotes for the work week to quotes about love, life, and happiness.
I use quotes in my daily life in a lot of ways. I use them to motivate me, to put things in perspective, and even to make changes of my own! They need to be visible for them to be useful in my life.
I print them out. They go up on the monitor or cellphone screen. I have even used them as bookmarks and greeting cards in the past!
Quotes about Change in Life and Love

“A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You can’t go anywhere until you change it.”
I love this quote because it’s so true. It’s all about mindset. The best quotes about change in life or in love make me think…about how they’re right and I’m wrong!

“It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you are about to do something really, really brave.”
Sometimes, the hardest part about quotes about change in life is admitting to yourself that a change is necessary. It’s okay to be scared…it’s not okay to give up because you’re scared.

“Making a big life change is scary. You know what’s scarier? Regret.”
When you’re very young, regret seems like this arbitrary thing that won’t ever catch up with you…trust me, it will. And boy, when it catches up with you, is it ever a doozie.
Being scared, being uncomfortable until things settle, and doing a bad job until you learn how to do better are all preferable to looking back and regretting ANYTHING. Even the small stuff can really suck to look back on with regret.

“Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you.”
This is one of my favorite quotes about change in life. My most recent MAJOR life change was giving up a full-time, 9-5, benefits, 401k, easy life, figured-out type job.
My family couldn’t understand why I’d walk about from this soul-sucking job to do something they didn’t know the first thing about, and I didn’t know how to explain it to them at the time…It gets easier.
Don’t let the rough stuff at the beginning scare you into settling.

“It’s time for a new adventure.”
Every once in a while, it’s good to mix things up. Take on a new adventure. Love your life. You’ll never be as young as you are right now.
I forget this sometimes. I get so wrapped up in the day-to-day stuff that I overlook the fact that tomorrow, I’m another day older. Next week, I’m losing part of another year. Don’t let these moments sneak by you.
If you have your whole life to have an adventure, then the same applies to the other stuff. You have your whole life to worry about settling down and figuring things out!

“Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it.”
I use quotes about change to remind people in my life that they can do better, be better, and feel better. On occasion, this means reminding them every so gently that they can’t do the same things and expect different results: that is the definition of insanity, after all.
Change is necessary for growth. Don’t be afraid to leave behind something that used to make you happy. You will be happy again, and probably in ways that you could never imagine if you stay stuck where you are right now.

“You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.”
This is one of those quotes about change that is like the frog in boiling water. Do we blame the water and the stove, or do we blame the frog for not knowing when enough was enough and jumping the heck out?
In my life, it’s all about tough love, baby. You aren’t going to drown just because you fell in the water. You’ll only drown if you stay there. Don’t drown. Make a change!

“Every day is an opportunity to change your life.”
I love this quote; it’s another one of my favorite quotes about change in life, though it applies to love as well. Change doesn’t have to happen in these miraculous, grandiose, fireworks moments.
You can use any old Wednesday to change your life. Don’t be afraid to let each new day change you and sculpt you into the person you want to be.

“Close some doors. Not because of pride, incapacity, or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere.”
Quotes about change are born from necessity. It’s okay to close some doors. You don’t have to keep doors open and waiting out of guilt or sadness.
Give all of that up and close the door. Walk away and move on with your life. You might be surprised how happy you can be if you let go of the other feelings you are holding onto so tightly.
It’s taken me a long time to realize that some doors and roads just don’t go where I wanted them to, and that’s not the end of the world, just the end of that particular journey.

“People aren’t against you; they are for themselves.”
This is one of those quotes about change that is all based on perspective. Sometimes, all you really need to change is your perspective.
The minute I realized that people weren’t against me, they were just more focused on what was good for them, I was able to view my actions in this way.
I can’t look at the world the same way again. Stop for a minute and think about things that you think are an attack on you. Look at them from the perspective of the other person.
Are they pulling you down because they’re low? Walking away sometimes makes more of a point than responding to the angry prodding with more anger.

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