Pokemon Cake Ideas
Pokemon-themed parties, games, and toys are all becoming mainstream again. To make your child’s next party a Pokemon party, you’ll need some Pokemon cake ideas.
The spotlight on Pokemon means new generations are falling in love with the little pocket monsters. Pokemon has been around for decades, and I even grew up with the show and games.
With the release of Pokemon Go, the world of Pokemon has come back into the spotlight. The social aspect of Pokemon Go has taken off, and it’s time to throw a Poke-party with an amazing Pokemon cake to celebrate.

Pokemon Go has taken over the world one smartphone at a time. However, there is more to the game than just walking around and catching Pokemon. There is a social aspect that has people talking face to face, meeting new people, and throwing Poke-parties.
Get into the game in more ways by throwing Poke-parties with Poke-cakes. During the party, enjoy food and drinks, then get out there and start training, then come back to celebrate your catches with a Pokemon cake.

Pokemon Cake Ideas
Charmander Cake | Cake Tips
Pokeball Cake | Sarita Herald
Pikachu Cake | Fodnx
Charizard Cake | Calibun
Pokemon Cupcakes | Cake Addiction
Choose Your Pokemon
Some Pokemon may not be found in the Pokemon Go app just yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have them star on your cake. Find any Pokemon that you find to be the cutest and get started theming the cake in your mind before getting started.
Piplup Face Cake | Liv
Pokeball Cake | Kathleen
Pokeball Frosted Cake | A Pumpkin and A Princess
Charmander Flamethrower Cake | Kayla
Pokeball M&M Cakes | Lexie
Getting Creative
If you have experience with a two-tier cake, you can get really creative. Add Pokemon figures made of fondant or plastic and line the base and first tier. On the top tier, pick a star Pokemon and have him/her be the standout figure on the cake recipe.
Two-Tiered Pokemon | Cake Couture
Pokemon Cupcakes | Grin and Bake It
Jigglypuff Cake | Necy
Vulpix Cake | That One Girl
Poliwag Cake | THWT
Pokemon Party Ideas
The Pokeball is the easiest cake to make since you just make a regular round cake and decorate it to look like a Pokeball. If you’re not a big baker, the Pokeball options are the way to go.
Pokeball Cupcake | Yummy-ness
Oddish Cake | I Like to Doodle
Snorlax Cake | Cake Central
Lugia Cake | Kidpawn
Pikachu Two-Tier Cake | Carla
Pikachu Cakes
Pikachu is one of the most popular Pokemon in the Poke-Universe. Making a Pikachu cake is also pretty easy, and the end result is always super cute.
Pikachu Face Cake | Cake Style
Pokeball Cake | Erin
Pokeball Layered Cakes | The Mary Sue
Pikachu Fondant | Cake Dutchess
Pokemon Pokeball Cake | Baking Obsession
More Party Ideas
Super Soft Toffee Bars Recipe | Toffee bars are a family-favorite recipe that provides you with plenty of bites for family and friends to enjoy.
The Ultimate Chocolate Chunk Cookie Recipe | You can’t go wrong with serving cookies at just about any type of party.
Unicorn Bark Recipe | Bark took the world by storm and now it can be made to fit just about any theme at a party or celebration.
Margarita Cupcakes with Tequila Recipes | Not all treats are made for kids. Some adults have sweet tooth as well.
Slow Cooker Dips | Is it even a party if there is no dip provided with things to dip into it?