Elf on the Shelf Shopping List for 35 Ideas
These Elf on the Shelf ideas will help you make this an awesome family tradition as well. Don’t forget to check out the Elf on the Shelf shopping list resources we have for great ideas on items for your elf.
It will soon be time once again for that helpful little elf to make its way into our homes as we countdown the days until Christmas. I’m sure many of you have also been bitten by the Elf on the Shelf bug.
It is truly one of our favorite family traditions during the holidays. Find everything you need for Elf on the Shelf, including a complete Elf on the Shelf shopping list and over one month of Elf on the Shelf ideas!

Our elf, Marco, has spent many wonderful years with us, and he is a cherished holiday tradition in our home! Over the years, we have come up with some pretty fun ideas for how Marco will make his daily appearances.
Our kids love finding him every day almost as much as we love setting him each night. But we find it hard to come up with ideas sometimes. Luckily, there are plenty of resources available online.
Even a complete Elf on the Shelf shopping list can keep you stocked up and ready to go for your elf’s next adventure.

Elf on the Shelf Shopping List for 35 Ideas
Our post on how to introduce the Elf on the Shelf is one of the most popular out there! Make sure you read this before making your Elf on the Shelf shopping list.
- Introduce the Elf on the Shelf as he Appears Randomly
- Nothing beats a fun new friend just appearing out of the blue one day!
- Introduce the Elf on the Shelf as a Gift from Santa
- Early gifts from Santa are always a welcome surprise.
- Introduce the Elf on the Shelf with a Letter from Santa
What could make the Christmas season more magical than a personalized letter from Santa himself?! This is a fun route to go if you want to really make it a big surprise!

The Reappearance
Year after year, we have the same little Elf coming to visit us during the holiday season. If you also have a tried and true Elf tradition, use some of these accessories to spice things up a bit!
Nothing is more fun than introducing your Elf for the year in a new outfit or with a new pet or friend!
the Elf on the Shelf Shopping List
- Elf on the Shelf Doll
- The Elf on the Shelf Kit
- Elf Outfits for Boys and Girls
- The Elf Story (In case the book gets lost!!)
- Elf Sized Suitcase
- Elf on the Shelf Pet Reindeer
- The Elf Story DVD
- Elf on the Shelf Pet St. Bernard
- Baking Set with Elf on the Shelf Kit
- Elf on the Shelf Advent Calendar Countdown
- Naughty or Nice Elf on the Shelf Board Game

Over One Month of Elf on the Shelf Ideas
We’ve had to get a bit creative with new ideas over the past few years! Our elf has been with us for a long time, so each year, we try and stay creative with fun ideas of places for Marco to turn up each day.
Here are 35 things to do with your Elf on the Shelf to take you from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve!
10 Easy Elf on the Shelf Ideas
Fun Elf on the Shelf Ideas for your Family
5 Days of Fun Elf Ideas for your Elf on the Shelf

Scene Setting Supplies Elf on the Shelf Shopping List
- Glitter
- Rainbow Sprinkles
- Marshmallows
- Food Markers
- Fishing Line
- Shaving Cream
- Snow in a Can
- Masking Tape
- Plastic Army Men
- Clear Plastic Wrap
- Pipe Cleaners

How to Say Goodbye to Your Elf on the Shelf
One of the hardest parts of Elf on the Shelf is saying goodbye to them at the end of the season. We’ve been through this so many times that I thought it would be helpful to share some ways that we say goodbye to our elf, Marco.
This is an equally popular post because he can’t just fly off one day without saying goodbye. It’s important to address these issues so that next year, you are all set for your elf to return!
Elf on the Shelf Shopping List for Accessories and Outfits
- Shirts
- Dress
- Suit
- Puffy Coat
- Pet St. Bernard
- Merry Magical Elf Notes
- Pet Reindeer
- Fancy Outfit
- Pet Reindeer Coat and Boots
- Sports Jersey

Elf on the Shelf Tips and Tricks
Quick Tips for When your Elf on the Shelf Didn’t Move | There will be times when the elf just didn’t move the night before. But that doesn’t mean you are in the weeds just yet.
Elf on the Shelf Names | Naming your elf is just as important as getting supplies for it. Don’t skip this step; it makes your elf more like part of the family.
How to Say Goodbye to Your Elf on the Shelf | Goodbyes are never easy. But we must say goodbye to the elves; they have things to do.
Fun Elf on the Shelf Ideas | The important thing is that you have fun with your elf. You can do that with the entire family.
10 Funny Ideas for Elf on the Shelf | There is fun, then there is funny. These elf ideas are both fun and funny, and there are some fantastic ways to catch the family off guard.