5 April Fools Jokes for Young Kids
Some may think pranking children is not the right thing to do since they could be considered easy targets. On April Fools Day, everyone is a target, including kids. However, turning your kids into April Fools shouldn’t go too far.
There are two types of people in this world: those who prank and those who get pranked. April Fools Day is when those who prank reign supreme.
They pull their tricks and prank others to get a laugh all day long. Those who get pranked often suffer through the day, hoping not to get harmed.

But it is time we changed things up. It is about time that everyone gets in on the pranks of the day. Not because those who don’t are weaker but because those who pranks need to be shown they aren’t the only ones.
They aren’t the only people in this house who can embarrass the people they care about. We can, too! These pranks are a fantastic way to celebrate and get a good laugh.
Of course, there is one warning that must be made before you get to work. Be prepared for a rebuttal. One does not simply get pranked and then let it go. Oh no, one gets even on April 1st.
5 April Fools Jokes for Young Kids
April Fools Day Pranks with Jello
There are a couple of things that children ask for first thing in the morning. The first is usually breakfast of some kind. You can make the breakfast as usual, but breakfast requires a beverage as well.
That beverage has a few options, but kids always ask for the same things. Juice is at the top of the list for every kid out there. That is where this prank comes into play.

The night before, make a cup of Jell-O and leave it in the refrigerator. When your child asks for a drink, offer up this cup of “juice.” To make it even better, try to make the Jell-o the same color as the juice you have.
Fill the cup halfway with Jell-o and the other half with juice. Got ’em!
Colorful Bath
Some pranks require a certain level of give and take. That means you may need to do some clean-up afterward, but the laugh is well worth the effort.
This prank is one of those that will require a bit of work afterward. The best pranks are ones that no one sees coming because they expect something else to happen.

For example, there is a bit of shock when you reach for that fast food drink you had only to get a mouthful of water instead of soda. The problem is, you drank all of the soda and all that is left is the melted ice inside.
That is the same idea we are going for with this prank. Get some food gel dye and swab the inside of the bath faucet liberally with the gel. Be sure to pick your child’s favorite color and watch as they are amazed by the colorful bath.
Your kids will be expecting a bath filled with clear water only to get a bath filled with a random color. That shock will surely lead to a great laugh.
Turn The House Upside Down
There is nothing more disorienting than waking up on a different side of the bed than you fell asleep on. Now imagine that feeling happening while you’re awake, but you have no clue as to why you feel that way.
This prank achieves that feeling in an incredibly fun way. You can take this one as far as you’d like, but use the same idea. Before your children wake up, turn every photo in the house upside down.

You could take things very far with this prank, though it will require a lot of work. Maybe you can turn an entire room upside down, or maybe you just stick with all of the photos in the house.
Either way, it will be fun to see how long it takes your child to figure out what is going on during April Fools Day.
Don’t Talk to Strangers
We are always told not to talk to strangers. Stranger danger is a real thing, and that makes perfect sense. But what if those strangers knew your name?
It could be quite a problem. Luckily, there is a way to turn this into a safe prank for kids. Before driving your kids to school, grab a piece of poster board and write a note big enough to see from a following car.

Write something asking other drivers to honk and wave hello or yell out, “Hi, (your kid’s name here)! The goal would be to have people yelling out your kid’s name all over town and them having no clue how these people know who they are.
Of course, they should not engage in conversation with strangers. But they will remain safe as long as they are in the car with you while these strangers say hello to them.
April Fools Hairy Tricks
We all know the feeling of being embarrassed by our parents. They could simply yell out, “I love you!” when they drop you off at school, and you would immediately turn red.
But that is no longer enough; we need to do more! Get a fun wig and wear it when you pick up your children. When they ask about it, tell them it is a new style you’re trying.

This will surely embarrass your kids at school, but not in a way that would destroy their reputation. Bonus points if you must get out of the car to pick them up from the classroom, and everyone has to see them walk to the car with you.
Pranking children is very easy; it’s almost like taking candy from a baby. Just be sure not to go overboard, or you might get tears instead of laughs.
After you’ve pranked them, reward them for being a good sport with an early Easter craft or a sweet treat. Don’t forget to keep your best camera handy, too, because while it may be too easy to prank them, the reactions are always amazing.
More Fun April Fool’s Day Ideas for Families
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LOL! We think those are great jokes to play on kids. Seems like a lot of fun for all parties involved.