21 Reasons to Try 21 Day Fix Workouts
21 Day Fix allows the user to make their own meal choices based on guidelines, food groups, and famous color-coded containers. But there is so much more to 21 Day Fix. This plan is all about eating right, but there are also 21 Day Fix workouts that line up perfectly with the nutrition plan.
Beachbody and all its exercise and nutrition programs have become a leader in the on-demand fitness industry. If you are still looking for a reason to get up and get started with your workout, here are 21 reasons to try 21 Day Fix workouts and nutrition plans.
It would only make sense that they would come up with a 21-day fitness plan to work hand in hand with nutrition. That plan is the 21 Day Fix (Real-Time).

This workout plan consists of 21 30-minute 21 Day Fix workouts (and a few bonus tracks) that are suitable for anyone, even the fitness newbie.
It doesn’t matter if you have never seen the inside of a gym or if you have taken a break from your fitness routine and want to get motivated again. You can achieve real, fast results.
21 Reasons to Try 21 Day Fix Workouts
All of the workouts in the 21 Day Fix are easy to do in your home. You don’t need gym equipment or any fancy gym attire.
You can take the workouts with you
With Beachbody on Demand, you can take your workout wherever you go. On vacation or on business, you can stream your workouts online.
Minimum equipment, maximum results
All you need are 2 sets of dumbbells. You may also want a water bottle handy, a towel for all that sweat, and a mat. It’s all basic equipment that takes up very little space.
You can do anything for 30 minutes
Each workout is 30 minutes long. That’s the time it takes to check your social media! You can find 30 minutes in the day to focus on yourself.

21 Day Fix workouts include 10-minute abs
The 21 Day Fix includes a 10-minute abs bonus which you work in once a week to your regular workouts, but you can do it more often if you want!
There is a bonus workout to help you get obsessed
Obsessed with Fix is a 45-minute workout that you can take on as a challenge at the end of your 21 Day Fix. Let it test you and motivate you to continue on to the next level.
21 Day Fix takes the guesswork out
Don’t spend any time trying to figure out what to do each day. This program has been planned out for you with a specific focus each time.
It’s only 21 days
21 Day Fix is just that, 21 days. That’s 3 weeks. Less than a month. Can you give yourself 21 days to change in a big way?
Lose up to 15 pounds in 21 days
If you follow the 21 Day Fix workout and nutrition plan, you can lose up to 15 pounds in less than a month. If that’s not enough to motivate you, what is?
It’s good for beginners
The 21 Day Fix plan was designed for those who are new to a workout and nutrition plan. It’s great for anyone who struggles with eating issues or for those who are getting back into a fitness plan after time away for whatever reason.
In other words, you don’t have to be in shape to get in shape with this program.

The workouts are planned with nutrition
Since the Fix workouts are planned with the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan in mind, they work well together. The food you eat on the plan will give you the calories and energy you need to perform the workouts.
You get a food list and online tool kit
You are not on your own when it comes to food. In fact, you will be given a food list and an online tool kit to help you portion control and choose the right combinations of foods.
3 Day Quick Fix plan is included
Once you have the 21-day plan, you will also learn about Autumn’s 3-Day Quick Fix. This workout and reduced-calorie plan can help anyone slim down in just three days.
You can come back to it over and over when you need a little kick-start or a quick vacation detox.

21 Day Fix workouts are 7 days a week but flexible
Yes, the 21 Day Fix workout plan is 7 days a week. Don’t let that scare you. You can double up if you miss a day here and there. And keep in mind, this is only 3 weeks.
Put in the 7 days, and you may find it really isn’t as hard as you thought.

21 Day Fix workouts include fat-burning cardio
The workouts go like this: Monday, Total Body Cardio Fix; Tuesday, Upper Fix; Wednesday, Lower Fix or Barre Legs; Thursday, Pilates Fix or Flat Abs Fix; Friday, Cardio Fix; Saturday, Dirty 30 and Sunday, Yoga Fix. You are going to cover all your bases, and the workouts won’t seem repetitive.
It’s excellent for building good habits
If you need help developing good habits with exercise or with food, this is the time. Give it 3 weeks. Be consistent.
You will learn how to eat for energy and weight loss
Planning and measuring your food based on the nutrition guide will teach you how to eat for weight loss and for energy to get through your workouts. Pay attention to how you feel.
You will see a big change
You may see big results, especially in the first 2 weeks if you are following the plan.
21 Day Fix workouts are great for maintenance
Even if your results begin to taper off in week 3, it doesn’t mean you are done. You can choose to repeat the Fix, move on to something more like 21 Day Fix Extreme, or maybe even decide on a maintenance phase where you can do these 21 Day Fix workouts again, 2 or 3 times per week.
Chances are you will feel motivated to challenge yourself again soon.

Sets you up for 21 Day Fix Extreme
You may have begun 21 Day Fix Workouts as a beginner, but you don’t finish that way. The 3-week program builds your fitness base and gets you ready for more challenges, like the 21 Day Fix Extreme or another Beachbody program.

You deserve it
We hear a lot about self-care these days, but how many of us really take the time out of our busy days to do just that. 21 Day Fix is all about taking care of yourself through exercise and diet.
You take the first step to commit, and Beachbody sets you up for success. You now have more than enough reason to go out and try 21 Day Fix.
Everything from the 21 Day Fix workouts to the support factors into your end results.

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