Jillian Michaels: Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times

Jillian’s success in fitness and as a trainer comes from dedication and the ability to laugh during tough times. In fact, if we all used some of Jillian Michaels funny quotes to get you through tough times, those tough times won’t seem so tough.

Use the laughter of Jillian Michaels funny quotes to get you through tough times whether you’re just starting or near the end of your path to good health and wellness. Funny Quotes | Motivational Quotes | Inspirational Quotes | Jillian Michaels Quotes | Jillian Michaels Workouts | Workout Ideas

One thing you’ll hear most is that there is no shortcut to being fit or healthy; it takes work. That work can be difficult at times and make you want to just give up.

Those tough times are when Jillian Michaels shines the brightest. Use the laughter of Jillian Michaels’s funny quotes to get you through tough times, whether you’re just starting or near the end of your path to good health and wellness.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes Close Up of a Person Bending Over to Touch Their Feet in a Stretch Position

Using Jillian Michaels funny quotes to get you through tough times can help you reach your fitness goals. Most of Jillian’s quotes sound a bit mean, but they’re meant to make light of a situation that you may think is too difficult.

One thing to remember is that those times when you think you can’t do it anymore, you can do one more. If we take that same approach to the most difficult times in our lives, we may be successful in more ways than just health and fitness.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes Two Women in Push Up Position High Fiving

The great thing about Jillian Michaels workouts is that you need almost no gear. Some good shoes, a yoga mat for hard floors, maybe some free weights and resistance bands, and you’ve got yourself a top-notch gym as far as she’s concerned!

If you use Amazon to stream your workout videos you also have the added luxury of taking your gym with you no matter where you go! With Jillian Michaels funny quotes to get you through tough times, you’ll be able to work out almost anywhere successfully!

Jillian Michaels: Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “Selfish isn’t a dirty word. It means we take care of ourselves and are able to give back.”

“Selfish isn’t a dirty word. It means we take care of ourselves and are able to give back.”

Many of us aim to be unselfish people but sometimes that means you aren’t taking care of yourself. Jillian reminds us that in order for us to take care of others, we must take care of ourselves first.

If you aren’t in a good place, how can you help others to get into a good place?

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “Unless you puke, faint or die...keep going!”

“Unless you puke, faint or die…keep going!”

This is especially important in fitness but applicable to other times; giving up is the easy way out. Never give up; always fight to get to where you want to be in life.

There’s no excuse for giving up on your dreams; you’ve got to keep going.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “If you’re not failing, you’re not trying hard enough.”

“If you’re not failing, you’re not trying hard enough.”

Failures happen every single day in our lives. We all have heard that we learn from those failures, yet we’re all afraid to fail. Don’t be; failure is a sign that you’re on the right path; if you aren’t failing, then you’ve given up on growth.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “Fear will pass. But regret lasts forever.”

“Fear will pass. But regret lasts forever.”

If you let fear stop you from achieving your dreams, then you’ve given up. Fear will pass as you perfect your skill, health, and fitness. But if you look back and regret not trying harder because you were afraid, that pain will never fade.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “If you really want to see me mad, say ‘I can’t’ one more time.”

“If you really want to see me mad, say ‘I can’t’ one more time.”

There is a saying in the military that saying “I can’t” is saying “I won’t”. You can always do one more push-up, one more crunch, one more speech, one more step toward your dreams.

Anger is a common theme in most of Jillian Michaels funny quotes to get you through tough times. But anger can be a funny thing.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “Sometimes we miss a workout or eat something that isn’t ideal, but if you had a flat tire on your car, would you puncture the other three? Of course not! If you slip, shake it off & do better the next day!”

“Sometimes we miss a workout or eat something that isn’t ideal, but if you had a flat tire on your car, would you puncture the other three? Of course not! If you slip, shake it off & do better the next day!”

Failure comes in many different shapes and sizes and shouldn’t stop you in your tracks. Everyone fails at some point, everyone falls. The people who get back up, those are the strong ones, those are the leaders, those are the ones who will succeed in life.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “When friends tell you how awesome you look, drop the ‘I still have more to go’ crap. You worked hard and you deserve the compliment.”

“When friends tell you how awesome you look, drop the ‘I still have more to go’ crap. You worked hard and you deserve the compliment.”

Sometimes, the most challenging part of working towards our goal is accepting the praise. It’s okay to gloat a bit; we all deserve it. If you’ve worked hard on something, recognize your work and let that drive you to go further.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “Old habits die hard but they do die.”

“Old habits die hard but they do die.”

The saying “old habits die hard” makes it seem like you can’t change. You can change; just remember that no one is saying that old habits won’t die, just that you need to work to kill them off.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “Why choose to fail when success is an option?”

“Why choose to fail when success is an option?”

For someone like Jillian Michaels, someone who has worked hard to get to where she is, watching others give up is difficult. There’s no reason you should give up; when you do, you choose to fail.

Success is there; it’s an option, and you have the right to choose that option.

Jillian Michaels Funny Quotes to Get you Through Tough Times “I want you to feel like you’re going to die.”

“I want you to feel like you’re going to die.”

When it comes to fitness, feeling like death is coming can mean you’re getting somewhere. Use this idea for everything in life. Change is scary; reaching your dreams is even scarier and can feel like death.

Keep going, and let yourself work through that fear. When that fear fades, you’ll see you’ve made a huge step towards success.

Use the laughter of Jillian Michaels funny quotes to get you through tough times whether you’re just starting or near the end of your path to good health and wellness. Funny Quotes | Motivational Quotes | Inspirational Quotes | Jillian Michaels Quotes | Jillian Michaels Workouts | Workout Ideas

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