Activities for Kids Before Electronics | Printable Checklist
One way to make sure they have a summer that revolves around more than just electronics is by utilizing this tremendous printable checklist of activities for kids before electronics.
After spending all their time in school during the year, it’s hard to blame them for wanting some downtime to unwind and relax. When summer vacation rolls around, kids have a habit of heading right for their screens.
A printable checklist is perfect for summer break. Activities for kids before electronics are a great way to keep kids off the screens and out enjoying life.

One of the best ways I’ve found to make this list useful repeatedly is to print a copy (or three), depending on how many kids you have, and put them into laminating pouches.
Then, you can reuse them repeatedly with dry-erase markers or magnets! If you choose to use magnets, just use a metal cookie sheet and some round, colorful magnet pegs, and you are all set.
Checking things off the list automatically becomes a great activity in and of itself.

Activities for Kids Before Electronics | Printable Checklist
I’d say one of the main reasons I love ideas like this is rooted in my background as a teacher. I love knowing that my kids are still learning, pushing themselves, and developing much-needed skills for life.
If they can learn to be satisfied self-starters, that is something for us all to be proud of in the end. I want them to have lasting skills, and one of the skills I value is seeing the beauty and magic happening just three or four inches beyond the screens.

Click Here to Download the Printable Checklist of Activities for Kids Before Electronics!
If you are just looking for an easy way to incorporate your daily chore lists into a rewards system for your kiddos, this will work well in that way, too.
Using screen time as a reward is great during the summer months. Activities for kids before electronics are meant to show them how much fun they can have without screens!

I try not to use this printable checklist of activities for kids before electronics as a punishment. It’s more of a learning and chore-type chart in our home.
I’m lucky to have naturally inquisitive kids, and being home with them means that I’m able to fully engage in their day-to-day activities. If you have kids in daycare or in summer camps, this can also be a great resource to send along with them!
Who knows, maybe someone else can benefit from your great ideas.
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