Awesome April Fool’s Day Pranks to Play on your Husband

Your husband, you love him dearly, but maybe all year long, he likes to scare you. Perhaps he’s the type to “forget” to take the trash out, or maybe he forgot your anniversary. It’s even possible he is perfect, but that doesn’t matter on April 1st or April Fool’s Day.

Surely he has done something to you over the year that warrants the perfect April Fool's Day prank to be played on him - after all, you love your husband. April Fools Day Jokes | Tips for April Fools Day | April Fools Day Ideas | Safe April Fools Day Pranks | Funny Pranks for Adults | Pranks for Him | Pranks for Her | Pranks for Couples

This is the day of pranks, and some husbands deserve it, and others just aren’t safe. The problem is, sometimes, they’re a step ahead. After all, during college and high school, or maybe even still to this day, your husband was the self-proclaimed “King of Pranks.”

April Fool’s Day is your day to have fun with your husband or even play pranks on your kids. Just beware: prank wars are not uncommon. So keep your guard up and play safe because it is also good to reap what you sow.

When it’s all done, sit back and enjoy a champagne cocktail to celebrate your success.

Awesome April Fool's Day Pranks to Play on your Husband View of a Steering Wheel in a Car

Awesome April Fool’s Day Pranks to Play on your Husband

Using window chalk, write a message to other drivers: “Honk to congratulate,” adding that he just got married. All day long, people will be honking at him, and he’ll have no idea why.

Awesome April Fool's Day Pranks to Play on your Husband Close Up of a White BMW Hood with Dents and Scratches All Over It

Sorry For Your Car

Leave a note on his car saying, “Sorry for the ding, I hit your car, please call me at…” Leave some random number and name. He will spend much time looking for the ‘ding’ that just isn’t there.

Bonus if he calls the number and gets hung up.

April Fool's Day Close Up of a Pocket Watch in Sand

April Fool’s Day | You’re Late

Set alarms and notifications for random, non-existent events on his phone. All day, he will be dealing with the dings and alerts for no reason.

Awesome April Fool's Day Pranks to Play on your Husband Close Up of Skittles on a White Surface

Mix Them Up

This is a very cruel one that I would hate to be the victim of, but sometimes your husband has earned it. Mix Skittles and M&M’s together in a Ziploc or in a bowl on the counter.

Be patient so that he can grab a handful and toss them in his mouth.

April Fool's Day jokes to play on your husband

April Fool’s Day | Dresser Switch

We all have our dressers organized by drawer; usually, the top drawer is socks and/or underwear, then shirts, then shorts. Mix them up in your husband’s dresser and watch him struggle to get ready in the morning.

Awesome April Fool's Day Pranks to Play on your Husband a Bed of Oreos with a Single One Opened Showing the Cream

Fresh Oreos

This makes for the perfect late-night snack trick to be pulled at midnight the night before or late night on April 1st. Replace the cream filling in an Oreo with white toothpaste.

Awesome April Fool's Day Pranks to Play on your Husband Bird's Eye View of a Parking Lot Filled with Cars

Parking Lot Jumble

Head to his office or wherever he runs out for the day and park his car. Move it somewhere far out of sight and far away from his original location.

Surely he has done something to you over the year that warrants the perfect April Fool's Day prank to be played on him - after all, you love your husband. April Fools Day Jokes | Tips for April Fools Day | April Fools Day Ideas | Safe April Fools Day Pranks | Funny Pranks for Adults | Pranks for Him | Pranks for Her | Pranks for Couples

More April Fool’s Day Ideas

April Fools Jokes for Any Age | This is your chance to get anyone of any age involved in the pranks you pull on the people you care about.

April Fools Prank Ideas for Friends | Speaking of people you care about, don’t forget to prank your friends.

5 April Fools Jokes for Young Kids | You can even prank younger kids if you’d like. Just be warned, they will want to finish it.

April Fools Ideas For Your Wife | In fact, husbands, you are not the only one getting pranked this April Fool’s Day.

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